Blue Diamond Almond Facts September-October 2021

crops provide — such as reducing soil compaction or enhancing pollinator forage — or problems that cover crops help growers address — like reduced nitrogen losses, nematode suppression, etc. After growers answer the question of what they want cover crops to accomplish — the purpose and desired benefits — they should look to their operation and consider their orchard’s age, water source/s, existing pest concerns and other factors (further outlined in the Cover Crop BMPs) to select the crop species and mix/es that will work best within their orchard makeup. “Growers have many options when choosing cover crop species and mixes, which can make species selection a difficult part of the process. While having a cover crop of any kind can provide some benefit, specific species and mixes can help growers to accomplish specific goals. That is why the BMPs encourage growers to first decide what they need and want from cover crops, and then move to identifying the mix/es and species that will facilitate accomplishing those goals,” said Wauters. Once growers select their species and mixes, the Cover Crop BMPs will walk them through step-by-step instructions and recommendations on how to seed the crop, grow it, and terminate it. From information on seeding equipment and rate to mowing considerations, this resource strives to address all aspects of growing, maintaining and reaping benefits from cover crops.

“Cover crops are not a fit for every grower or every year, and generally depend on late fall rains or irrigation. But the benefit, together with incentives that can defray some of the cost, make it something every grower should at least consider,” said Almond Board Chief Scientific Officer Josette Lewis, Ph.D.

This guide builds on recent research and growers’ experiences which have shown that cover cropping is a feasible practice in California almond systems with potential benefits to growers and the environment. —Dr. Amélie Gaudin, Cover Crop Best Management Practices Co-Author


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