Your guide to Christ's College 2025 – International

Orientation and support programme

Therefore, College provides: • Assistance to enrol for intensive language tuition before starting College, if required • An ESOL programme that has been woven into the academic timetable. It is facilitated and taught by the ESOL department, with class sizes often no larger than three. In addition to bringing a high quality of teaching to the role, the ESOL teacher takes time to develop an informal pastoral care role with the students • An opportunity for students who live in a boarding House to be formally introduced to those people involved in their pastoral care, including the Deputy Principal – Student Care, their Housemaster and Deputy Housemaster, their House Matron, and their mentor • Caregiver services, including orientation, local transport, banking etc • A map of the city, bus timetables, a guide to Christchurch – including local supermarkets and entertainment options.

Before departing your home country, you will undertake an online orientation designed to provide you with a brief introduction to New Zealand, things uniquely New Zealand, Christchurch, and Christ’s College. Before the year starts, new international students will gather at Christ’s College to become familiar with the school and their boarding House, get their uniform, set up their laptop with Digital Services, and explore a little of central Christchurch. Then, at the beginning of each year Christ’s College welcomes all new students, international, national, and local, to College with a variety of orientation activities co- ordinated by the Deputy Principal – Student Care, Housemasters, and senior students. It is formed around the College House system. This establishes firm friendships and knowledge of College life in a way that allows all to learn together. In addition, this booklet provides answers to many questions that students new to College will have. It is appropriate that students who come from non-English speaking countries and are a long way from their usual support networks have access to systems of support specific to their needs while they are at Christ’s College.


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