Transformation Times Winter 2023

Establishing a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Workplace

By Anny Domercant, Director of Culture & Engagement

In 2023, the DE&I Council will continue to provide DE&I Drop- in meetings 1-2 times per month on relevant DE&I topics. On January 12, 2023, we will host a DE&I Drop-in entitled "MLK/What is Your Dream?” This Drop-in will be an opportunity for Vinfen staff to share their hopes, goals and vision for DE&I with co-workers and friends.

Establishing a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive workplace is a cornerstone of Vinfen's vision as an organization. Studies show that diverse teams are more successful and productive. However, another key to success is creating an environment where people of diverse backgrounds can coexist in a manner where everyone feels included and that they belong. As we look forward to 2023, one of Vinfen's DE&I Council's key objectives is to help foster an environment where DE&I is infused into our workplace culture. We plan to build upon the strong DE&I foundation that has already been set. The DE&I Council will continue to meet on a monthly basis to develop

programs and initiatives that will continue to educate and raise awareness of our protected classes while also creating opportunities for staff to learn about the different religious and cultural backgrounds that exist at Vinfen. Some of these programs will include but will not be limited to events focused on Black History Month, Women’s History Month, Disability Awareness Month and LGBTQ Awareness Month. We will also use some of the DE&I Drop-ins to host mini-trainings for Vinfen staff to gain a better understanding of DE&I related topics. One of the trainings that we anticipate offering throughout the year is the training on Unconscious Bias, which some Vinfen staff have already participated in. Through this training staff will become aware of what unconscious bias is and that there are steps that can be taken to decrease the likelihood that these biases will impact their decisions and behavior in the workplace as knowledge is the key to any change in behavior. Finally, DE&I, HR, and Training are working on in-person manager DE&I Training with a planned spring launch. This training will be highly interactive and present ideas and strategies for building inclusion into teams and work. The Council is excited about what 2023 will bring for our DE&I efforts and are looking forward to more engagement with Vinfen staff to continue to create a workplace environment that firmly stands on its mission statement of “transforming lives together”.

Upcoming Early Winter Events

A Fun Start to the New Year: Get Ready, Get Set, Get Fit Wednesday, January 18, 2023 11:00 -11:30 am

DE&I Drop-In Discussion: What Is Your Dream? Thursday, January 12, 2023 2:00-3:00pm

Celebrate Winter and Win Prizes Send your photos and brief description of your fun to for a change to win Vinfen warm and cozy items like blankets, hats, coffee mugs, and gift cards! All entries are due by January 27

Drop-in to learn about how to advance your career Tuesday, January 17, 2023 12:00-1:00pm

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