Baker Academic Spring 2025 Catalog


The Bible and the Anointing of the Sick Healing in Christ Michael Patrick Barber A CATHOLIC BIBLICAL THEOLOGY OF THE SACRAMENTS Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn, series editors The Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series (CBTS) provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word. In this addition to the series, Michael Barber offers a biblical approach to anointing of the sick, drawing from both the Old and New Testaments. He unpacks the riches of the Scriptures to explain what true healing in Christ involves. In addition, Barber demonstrates how an exegetical approach to the sacrament can advance our understanding of it. The book is suitable for classroom use and parish ministry. PRAISE FOR THE CBTS SERIES “This series gives to students of the Bible a deeply enriched view of the mesh of relationships within and between biblical texts that are brought to light by the liturgy of the sacraments.” —Jennifer Grillo, University of Notre Dame “In recent years, theological exegesis—biblical commentary by theologians—has made a significant contribution. This series turns the tables: explicitly theological reflection by biblical scholars. The result is a breakthrough.” —Matthew Levering, Mundelein Seminary CONTENTS 1. Introduction: The Bible and the Anointing of the Sick 2. James’s Instructions and Christian Tradition: Questions about the Theology of the Anointing of the Sick 3. The Lord of Life and the Significance of Oil: Christ as the Source of Healing 4. Sin, Death, and the Hope for the Oil of Mercy: The New Adam and the Return to Eden 5. Healing and the Forgiveness of Sins: Salvation for the Sick 6. The Elders and the Continuation of Jesus’s Ministry: Christ’s Work and the Ministers of Anointing 7. Kings, Priests, and Prophets as Anointed Ones: The Power of Sacral Anointing 8. Jesus as the Anointed King, Priest, and Prophet: Christ’s Fulfillment of Messianic Hopes 9. Believers as “Anointed Ones” in Christ : Participation in Christ’s Royal, Priestly, and Prophetic Mission 10. Anointing of the Sick and Participation in Christ’s Three- fold Mission: A Biblical Reframing of the Sacrament’s Effects Conclusion: Healing as Conformity to Christ Suggested Resources Indexes

JULY 2025 • 272 pp. • paper • $24.99 • 9781540960993

Michael Patrick Barber (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is pro- fessor of Sacred Scripture and theology at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology. He is the author of The Historical Jesus and the Temple: Memory, Methodology, and the Gospel of Matthew and the coauthor of Paul, a New Covenant Jew: Rethinking Pauline Theology.



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