English and Writing Textbooks
9781540966957 • 240 pp. • $24.99p CHRISTIANITY TODAY 2025 BOOK AWARD FINALIST (CULTURE, POETRY, AND THE ARTS) “This book is a guide for ‘Christian practic- es for teaching reading’—a guide by Chris- tian university English teachers, pitched primarily for other Christian university En- glish teachers, bristling with new ideas for classroom instruction, assignment design, discussion leading, and private reading. . . . Deep Reading casts a bright and exciting vision for seeing the act of reading itself as intentional practice at being the kind of people our society needs.”
9781540966032 • 176 pp. • $19.99p
9781540965998 • 176 pp. • $17.99p
“Writing well requires certain kinds of human beings to do the writing, and the kinds of human beings who write well only emerge by writing well. Hoover solves this Riddle of the Sphinx not by forsaking writ- ing but by teaching writing, and this book without relent returns us, her readers, to reflect on the dynamic nature and capac - ities and virtues of those human beings whom we teach. We who teach writing, whether in college classrooms or any- where else human community happens, do well to heed.”
“Merkle and Miles have entered the import- ant conversation on scholarly writing from a fresh angle. Their delicate balance of truth, encouragement, and faith-integrated content offers Christian academics a good overview of the mindset, habits, and skills to become successful writers.”
—JULIE BORKIN, Journal of Christian Teaching Practice
—JON SINGLETON, Christan Scholar’s Review
—NATHAN P. GILMOUR, Emmanuel College
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