Also of Interest to Professors from Brazos Press
You Were Never Meant to Do It All A 40-Day Devotional on the Goodness of Being Human Kelly M. Kapic Readers flocked to Kapic’s award-winning 2022 book, You’re Only Human. Now, Kapic’s message is back in the form of forty daily devotions—each with a meaningful quote and reflection questions. Kapic shows that God purposefully designed humans to have limits and depend on one another. Rightly appreciat- ed, these good limits promote freedom, joy, growth, and community. PRAISE FOR YOU’RE ONLY HUMAN “Kapic’s book is good news for restless achievers like me. I’m already breathing a bit easier after reading this exceptionally honest and hopeful book.” —Chuck DeGroat , Western Theological Seminary and Newbigin House of Studies Kelly M. Kapic (PhD, King’s College, University of London) is professor of theo- logical studies at Covenant College, a popular speaker, and the author or editor of more than fifteen books. You Have a Calling Finding Your Vocation in the True, Good, and Beautiful Karen Swallow Prior What if your vocation doesn’t align with your passion? Award-winning author Karen Swallow Prior has encouraging news: If we pursue the good, true, and beautiful in all our work, we will find our greatest fulfillment. Prior helps us understand that passions come from within, while our calling, or vocation, comes from without and is about being called by others to serve. That crucial distinction can help us understand how God can use both our passions and our work, even if for different purposes. This book will appeal to college students, young professional Christians, discipleship and ministry leaders, and anyone who wants to know that their daily work, ordinary though it may be, can fulfill a higher calling to God. Karen Swallow Prior (PhD, SUNY Buffalo) is the author of On Reading Well and The Evangelical Imagination. She is a frequent speaker, a monthly columnist at Religion News Service, a research fellow with Comment, a founding member of the Pelican Project, a senior fellow at the Trinity Forum, and a senior fellow at the International Alliance for Christian Education.
AUGUST 2025 • 144 pp. • cloth • $21.99 • 9781587436659
MAY 2025 • 176 pp. • cloth • $19.99 • 9781540968982
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