Never Too Late - January 2023

Aging in Our Community A Message from W. Mark Clark, President and CEO

As 2023 begins, I find myself in a reflective mood, maybe a little more so than usual. For me, 2022 was a very challenging year, both personally and professionally. On the personal side, in early September my spouse and I moved from central Tucson to Green Valley. We have moved easily 10 or 12 times in our life together, twice across the Country. We found this move, just about 25 miles, to be the most challenging of all, which surprised us. Certainly, the physical aspects of moving proved more difficult than I expected, but we are ten years older than at our last move. More than that, there is a different emotional quality to this move. Some of it may be the thought that this is most likely our final move (of course we’ve said that before), and there is also for me the reality that I still have feet in both our new community and the old one, as I am still working in town (as I have taken to thinking of central Tucson). I really appreciate still having those longstanding, important relationships while also building a bit of a new life in a new part of our wonderful County. This reality, plus the nearly hour long commute have proven to be a bit exhausting at times. But Stacy and I are enjoying our new community and the opportunities it provides. And after 3 months, I think I am settling in. On the professional front 2022 has been a challenge for a number of reasons. As the pandemic has wound down (or has it? Not so much.), we are diligently working to figure out how to work in this new reality. Not unlike my personal reality of both Tucson and Green Valley, we are in a work

world of both the pandemic and the post pandemic. Conversations about masking continue while also planning in-person holiday celebrations (both inside and out of doors tables, widely spaced) and meetings. This year has also been a challenge as some highly valued and dear colleagues decided to move on from PCOA. This is another reality of work life, just as life in general. And they have gone with all our best wishes to continue to do great things for other organization in the community. Unfortunately, hiring in this new pandemic/post-pandemic time is even more challenging than it was previously. I recently read an article which noted that if we want to see the future of these times, we have only to look back to the early 1920s, the post Great Influenza Pandemic times. The article noted those were times when much was new and many of the old ways did not return. Former President Warren G. Harding had won the 1920 election on a platform of a return to normalcy. Certainly, the 1920s were anything but, and time will only tell about the 2020s. You have our commitment, however, to continue to put all our efforts into ensuring that the issues of concern to Older Adults and those who care for and support them will be in the forefront of public policy awareness. Of course, 2022 has also been inspiring and rewarding. As always, I am so humbled and inspired by the generous support PCOA receives from so many

kind and generous supporters in our community. Sadly, some of that support comes from friends and people we don’t know who have remembered PCOA in their estate planning. And while we are saddened at their passing, we are so appreciative of their remembrance and support. These past few years have seen a significant increase in requests for emergency assistance, especially in the area of affordable housing. We have strengthened our work in this area both directly with those in need and on the advocacy front. Pima County Administrator Jan Lesher just appointed me to the new Pima County Regional Affordable Housing Commission, and I continue to serve as a Commissioner on the City of Tucson’s Commission on Equitable Housing and Development. This will surely be a defining issue of these times. And one final note, in the spirit of our award winning Take YOUR Shot Campaign. Please, please, please get a Booster and a Flu shot. The Pandemic is not over. And Older Adults continue to be of significant risk. Don’t become a statistic. And of course, Best Wishes for a safe, healthy, and prosperous 2023!

W.Mark Clark President & CEO

January 2023, Never Too Late | Page 3

Pima Council on Aging

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