Peak Motion: The Ideal Treatment For Low Back Pain

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

April, 2019


INSIDE: • Physical Therapy & Neck Pain • FREE Screening • Patient Success Spotlight • Healthy Recipe

If you really had to narrow down the frustrations that comewithdealingwithchronicpain,perhaps thesingle largest frustrationwouldbehaving todealwith thepain day after day. Chronic pain has a way of interfering with the most basic activities. Getting out of bed and driving to work can become a challenge, as can sitting in a desk chair all day, or attempting to pick up your child when he or she is upset. Some of these tasks are more difficult to get around than are others, and, depending on how the pain is impacting your life, the stressofhaving togo throughextrasteps tomakebasic things happen can really get out of hand. Neckpain isoneof those typesofpain that isdifficult to work around. Pain in the neck and back will frequently begin to radiate the longer it hangs around, and that couldmeanshootingpainupyourneckandback,all the way into the base of your skull. Once neck pain begins to turn into headaches, attempting to concentrate at work can become exceedingly difficult. What Causes Neck Pain? There are a large number of culprits that could be behind your experience of neck pain, including accidents, such as a car accident or a

slip-and-fall accident, as well as sporting injuries. The reasonwhyneckpain frequentlybecomessosevere is due to the fact thatbloodvesselshave topass through your neck to reach the head. A spasm in the neck muscles could lead to constricted blood circulation, and therefore migraine headaches. What’sworse,since theneck isconnected to thespinal columnand thereforeconnected to thenervoussystem, pain in the neck can quickly develop into tingling or numbness in the hands, arms and fingers, which can be uncomfortable and frustrating when you are going about daily tasks. Whenneckpaindevelopsasaresultofapinchednerve, the radiatingneckpaincan result insevereheadaches, and in some cases, even migraine headaches. The pinched nerve can cause pain to radiate from the neck into the skull and can cause a disruption to typical nerve patterns. Working with a physical therapist can help you address pain caused by a pinched nerve, and therefore can reduce the severity of headaches that develop as a result of neck pain.

My feet are happy! "When I came to PT, I was experiencing pain, tingling, and numbness in my feet. It was miserable to do any of my exercise activities. After being put on a regimen of stretching and ASTYM therapy, my feet are happy again. Mike, Emily, Jon, Bre, and the rest of the team are so kind and helpful. Thank you so much.” - Marce S. Patient Success SPOTLIGHT

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