King's Business - 1938-07


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

September, 1938

Old Testament writers taught both aspects of this truth without any feeling of contra­ diction between the two. Perhaps the most interesting example is Isaiah 44:6 (R .V .): “Thus saith Jehovah, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, Jeh ov ah of hosts: I am the first, and I am the last; and besides me there is no God.” Here we have clearly two distinct persons, both of whom are named “Jehovah,” yet the God who speaks refers to Himself as one being. Two per­ sons speak, but they speak as one. When the French were invading Russia at the beginning of the last century, they arrived at a small village. All the inhab­ itants had fled save one peasant—a wood­ man, judging from the axe in his belt. The officer of the French troops ordered the man to be shot. The soldiers raised their muskets and prepared to fire, but the peas­ ant coolly looked down the barrels of the guns, and never flinched. The officer was so struck with the man’s courage that he commanded the firing party to lower their muskets and spare the prisoner’s life. "But," said he, “we shall put a mark upon him.” They made a branding iron red hot and placed it on his hand.__“That,” said the officer, “is an ‘N ’ for Napoleon. You be­ long to him now.” The man turned, placed the branded hand on a solid place, took his axe from his belt, and with one stroke sev­ ered his hand from his arm. “There now,” cried he, “there it not one bit of me that does not belong to the Czar.” That man was truly loyal. He would rather lose his hand than be branded a traitor. Are we as true to God? —E xpository Times. The God of All the Earth E xodus 20:2, 3; 1 C orinthians 8:4-6 M em ory V erse: “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time” (Eccl. 3 :1 1 ). A pproach: Last week we were talking about the songs of praise that King David sang to Jehovah God. Today we are going to talk about the One to whom David sang praises for His loving care. Lesson Story: The Golden Text Illustration D euteronomy 6:5

in its place. He set the sun and moon and stars in their places. He caused the grass and the trees and the plants to grow. He gave life to the animals which He had made, and last He made man himself. Nothing takes place on this earth which God does not know about. He knows our very thoughts, and He loves us and cares for us as a father cares for his chil­ dren. How we should love and honor and worship Him in return! This is all that He asks of us—that we should “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength." And how can we do this? W e do it by obeying His commandments.


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Object Lesson S eeing S hadows

O bjects: A picture frame with glass in it, some red paper, a powerful electric bulb, a cardboard sword, a cardboard revolver, and a cardboard arrow. (Glue a narrow strip of red paper on the glass inside the frame, on all four borders of the glass. Cover the remaining portion of the glass with tracing paper or Bon Ami.) Lesson : As I look into this frame, I see the reflection of my face within the border of red. I will let this fact remind me that I am a Christian, protected by the blood of Chrisffl-His death for my sins. The Chris­ tian is one who is protected by the blood of Christ. The Christian remembers the com­ mandment given in Deuteronomy 6:5: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” I want to show you some of the benefits that come to such a person. Can you tell what this object is back of the frame as I throw its shadow on the glass with this strong electric light? "A sword.” That’s right. Do you see the sword, or just the shadow of it? “The; shadow.” See whether you can tell what the next object is. “An arrow.” Do you see the arrow, or only the shad- . ow? “The shadow.” W hat do you think this object is? “A revolver.” Did you ever stop to think that shadows cannot hurt you? They may be able to frighten, but they cannot hurt. The Psalm­ ist David had this truth in mind when he said in Psalm 23: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” T o the man who is protected by sacrificial blood, as was David, death is only a shadow. Boys and girls, if you are real Christians, protected by the blood of Christ, you too will love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and might. And recognizing “shadows,” you will be free from fear.

Bible is the Book which tells us about God. It was written by different men at different times, but they were told by God Himself just what to write, so we know that what is written in the Bible is true.

5 -Division

Away back at the time when Moses was leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, God gave to Moses ten laws, or command­ ments, which Moses and all of the people were to obey. God began by saying, “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” God said this so that the people would know that He is all- powerful. It was He who could deliver them, and no one else. W e read in the first verse of the Bible, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” God put this earth of ours

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