King's Business - 1938-07

September, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


their fellow men, are at the same time living an open and deliberate lie as far as their religious profession is concerned. 2. "But I say unto you, Sw ear not at all" (Matt. 5 :3 4 ). It has been said by many that in these words our Lord did not intend to abolish entirely the taking of oaths, but only to forbid the careless and extravagant swearing prevalent in His day. But if this was His intention, the simple- minded reader of Scripture may well won­ der why He did not say what He meant. One who reads the passage in Matthew 5: 33-37 without some preconceived opinion could not understand anything else than that Christ was abrogating oaths of all kinds. The prohibition is absolutely unqual­ ified by any exceptions, and is repeated by James: “But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath" (5 :1 2 ). The argument has been advanced that, since oaths were permitted in the Old Tes­ tament, our Lord would not forbid them in the New. But let the reader compare the abrogation of certain types of divorce which were permitted under the Mosaic law (Matt. 19: 3 -9). The Lord justified such changes on the ground that things had been permitted under the Law because of the "hardness" of the people’s hearts. Doubtless the oath belongs in this cate­ gory and has no place in this present age which is lightened by the glory of God's grace. Von Zealand, Frederick the Great’s great­ est general, was a Christian and the king was a scoffer. One day the king was mak­ ing his coarse jokes about the Saviour, and the whole place was ringing with guffaws of laughter. It was too much for Von Zea­ land, the general that had won numerous and great battles for Prussia and had really put the crown on the king’s brow. W ith German militariness he stood up and said, amid the hush of flatterers, shaking his grey head solemnly: "Sire, you know I have not feared death; you know I have fought for you in thirty-eight battles, and thirty-eight battles I have won. Sire, my hairs are grey; I am an old man; I shall soon have to go into the presence of a greater than thou, the mighty God who saved me from sin, the Lord Jesus Christ whom you are blasphem­ ing against. Sire, I cannot stand to hear my Saviour spoken against. I salute thee, Sire, as an old man, who loves the Saviour, on the edge of eternity.” Frederick the Great, with a trembling voice, said: “General Von Zealand, I beg your pardon, I beg your pardon.” The company dispersed in silence, and the king reflected as never before on that Greater One whom his general reverenced, even above himself. Stand up for Christ! Be valorous.— T he Bottles o f H eaven, by Revilo. Golden Text Illustration M atthew 6:9

us that He is the God of all the earth: “All things were made by him; and without him was not, any thing made that was made” (John 1 :3 ). W e are to worship Him and Him alone: "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven im­ age . . . thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor s e r v e them.” This is the s e c o n d command­ ment w h i c h G o d gave to His people. There is a third com­ m andm ent w h ich tells how we should act toward God. W e shall talk about it today. Lesson S tory: I wonder whether you know what I mean when I say you should be “polite” and “courteous”? Yes, I think you do. That is the way one should speak to one’s father and mother and friends and playmates. If we love a person, we want to talk to that one politely. How sorry you feel after you have been rude to one you love! Now there are ways of using God’s name which show our love to Him. W e call it being “reverent” to God. God is a “holy” God and we must not use His name un­ thinkingly or carelessly. Our Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples, in the prayer that He taught them, to say: "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” W e must be careful how we use God’s holy name. W e call it “swearing” when God's name is used in a careless way. And that is what the third commandment warns us about: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” God says that to take His name in vain is sin. Sometimes boys and girls hear people swearing, and they learn to use these swear­ ing words themselves. They may not know that they are swearing. W e should warn them. Suppose some one should begin call­ ing your father names; would you go on listening, without trying to make him stop? I think not. W e should try to make others stop’ dishonoring God, too. God says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” O bjects: A flat-sided quart jar, a pint of gasoline, a pint of water, some lampblack ground in oil, red ink, and a piece of brown paper. (Color the water red with a small amount of ink. Make the gasoline black by using a small amount of lampblack. Lamp­ black can be secured at a paint store. To represent the earth, cut a round piece from the brown paper, large enough to cover the side of the quart jar. Roughly sketch lines of latitude and longtitude on the paper. Between the top and center of the paper “earth,” cut out a cross. Between the center and bottom, cut out a heart. Glue this paper on the side of the jar. Fill the jar with gasoline and water. The cross will be black, and the heart red. Use a jar rub­ ber, and screw a lid on the jar tightly enough to prevent leaking when the jar is turned upside down.) Lesson: W hat’s the matter with this jar? (Remove it from your bag upside down.) Object Lesson W rong S ide U p

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The Name Above Every Name E xodus 20:7; M atthew 5:33-37

M em ory V erse: “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name” (Matt. 6 :9 ). A pproach: W e have been learning what the Bible tells us about God. First, it tells

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