Delivering the world’s Smartest Campus
‘Collaboration with a partner like Siemens is the first step toward a net-zero campus. We’re going to make the ways we use the campus, how we utilize the infrastructure, how people work, and how they learn more efficient. And as the smart campus and the available data teach us more about these factors, they’ll contribute to a change in behavior that will hopefully take us to exactly the place we need to be.’
Our mission is to deliver an enriched, personalised experience for students, staff, academics and visitors. To bring together our people, processes and services to become a fully connected, global campus.
Background information to the Smart Campus project can be viewed here.
In a global partnership with Siemens, the University of Birmingham wants to make its Edgbaston and Dubai campuses the smartest campuses in the world. Taking advantage of the benefits of digitization, both gradual decarbonization and the integration of the university’s infrastructure with the Internet of Things (IoT) are put on track. At the same time, the transformation is creating a dynamic living laboratory environment for power generation, energy systems management, social behavior, and big data. Background to the Siemens scheme including a podcast and strategic overview can be viewed here.
Professor Tim Jones, Provost and Vice-Principal of the University of Birmingham
“The Smart Campus will facilitate many of the University's strategic objectives, including a pathway to Net Zero Carbon, development of a Living Lab for research, industry collaboration and teaching, and the creation of a campus where data drives decision making, and research collaboration is enabled by better utilisation of space.” Trevor Payne, Director of Estates
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