Folleto Programas Postgrados

BUSINESS ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT World Economic Situation. Concepts of Macroeconomics. Contents about Business Management BUSINESS STRATEGY & ORGANISATION Business strategy. Strategic analysis. Techniques and tools for strategy decision making. Strategic implementation. Structure and organization. CORPORATE FINANCE & MANAGEMENT CONTROL Introduction to finance. Cost analysis. Financial perspective. Time value of money. Financial statements forecasts. The company valuation. Leasing. Decision making. Risk analysis. Advanced finantial tools. COMMERCIAL & MARKETING MANAGEMENT Introduction to marketing. Market analysis. Value proposition. Product and pricing strategy. Distribution. Branding and communication. Customer experience. E-commerce. Digital marketing. Commercial management. International marketing. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Digital transformation. Big Data and AI. Future trends. Business game. HUMAN RESOURCES & MANAGEMENT SKILLS HHRR management and administration. Team work. Effective presentations. Professional negotiation. Leadership. Change management.



12 months DURATION


Thursday and Friday 17:00h to 21:00h


Hybrid Methodology Face to face (Seville) Virtual (participants outside Seville)



Top University graduates (preferably engineering degree), who want to develop executive skills and obtain knowledge that will allow them to succesfully pursue their professional careers in the most demanding companies. Fluenty in English Language is essential.

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