Keith Maiden | Materialism

A continuation of Keith Maiden’s quest for transparency in our society, this new collection of original artwork builds upon the subjects established in its forerunner; the hugely impactful If I Were The Devil . Materialism throws an uncomfortable spotlight on humanity, weaving themes of greed, superficiality and consumerism into a body of work that is simultaneously challenging and mesmerising. A veritable feast of symbolism and hidden meanings, these works command time and attention from the viewer to do justice to their message. Maiden has skilfully woven his inimitable word play alongside key themes from neo-classicism, against a backdrop of imagery arguably as

futuristic as it is modern. The overall effect is a collection of striking tableaus, each with its own warning to deliver. Laden with allegorical references, each artwork actively encourages introspection and an acknowledgement of the darker side of human evolution. Peeling back the layers of greed-induced behaviours and traits, Maiden urges us to question why we do what we do, and the potential damage we inflict both on ourselves and others in the process. Such is the visual impact that Materialism delivers, we may conclude that art is an undeniably perfect vessel for parabolic teachings of this nature. Without pretention or preaching, Maiden has harnessed the power of honesty, coupled with keen insight, and used his artistry to depict its key messages in full emblematic glory.

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