Corporate Brochure

Over 170 years of ManhattanLife

1850 ManhattanLife Formed with purpose of providing protection for widows and orphans after cholera outbreak in 1849

1918 Word War I Ends Refund all extra premiums for war risk coverage paid during wartime

1894 America’s First Skyscraper

commissioned by ManhattanLife and built at 66 Broadway for the corporate office

1865 “Old Reliable” reputation earned for locating Southerners and paying claims that occurred during Civil War

1914 World War I Begins


1850 First to Write: Group Policy by American company Accident & Accidental Death Policy for a Woman – occupation listed as ”woman”

1870 Twenty-Year Anniversary

1900 Fifty-Year Anniversary

1864 Incontestability Clause written into policies in an industry first that became law 40 years later

1918 Influenza Epidemic Heaviest mortality rate but no unusual restrictions for writing new policies

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