Biola Broadcaster - 1966-03

of the whole human race. He wasted the substance his father had given him in riotous living. This is exactly what the human race has done. If men used their abilities to glorify God and to bring blessing to their fellow men what wonderful things could be ac­ complished. The great proportion of our scientific development has created misery, sadness and bloodshed. Our great cities have become jungles of blistering crime. We travel even be­ yond the speed of sound but when we get to where we’re going, we’re no better than when we moved at a much slower pace, or when we started. The rapid power often increases our abil­ ity to sin. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if lead­ ers of the world considered this pene­ trating question, “Adam, where art thou?” To phrase it in modern termi­ nology, “Mankind, where are you headed?” Can the human race sur­ vive if we keep on going on in our sinful ways? We need the Higher Power to lift us out of the muck of the immorality, social debauchery, sex perversion and vile destruction of the entire planet. New York City is an example of the situation facing us. A magazine edi­ tor from the West had been visiting the metropolis,- reading newspaper reports of crime, graft and unspeak­ able immorality. He penned these searching words, “I weep in my heart when I think of New York City. It has gone down the drain. It is no longer capable of self-government. It has been so completely overrun with outlaws, demagogues and undeveloped people, that citizens of respectability cannot mobilize the majority vote necessary to maintain enforcement, economic stability and common safety for the city. New York City is a bar­ baric jungle; people are safer in the Congo than they are in New York City!” What a terrible indictment from an outsider and yet one which is true. Yes, as a nation, as well as indi­ viduals, we must answer God’s ques­ tion, “Adam (Mankind), where art thou?” 11

century. How foolish man is, thinking he can cover himself when, apart from Christ, he has no hope whatso­ ever. There is no way man can bring lasting peace to the world through his own efforts. With all our plans for a “Great Society,” turmoil still rolls on. When a man turns his back on the Saviour, not desiring His wisdom, the end will be like that of the builders of the tower of Babel: confusion and HAVE YOU TAKEN IT TO JESUS? Have you taken it to Jesus? Have you left your burden there? Does He tenderly support you? Have you rolled on Him your care? Oh, the sweet unfailing refuge Of the everlasting arms; In their loving clasp enfolded Nothing worries or alarms. Have you taken it to Jesus, Just the thing that's pressing now? Are you trusting Him completely With the when, and where and how? Oh, the joy of full surrender Of our life, our plans, our all; Proving, far above our asking That God answers when we call. If you want the burden lifted And a solace for your woe. Oh, the blessedness to nestle Like a child upon His breast; Finding ever, as He promised Perfect comfort, peace and rest. — Mrs. E. L. Hennessay scattering. Mankind, deep in personal sin, cannot settle the world’s prob­ lems. This can only be done by the sin­ less one, Christ Jesus, the Lord. You can have no peace without Him. Look at our poor warring world. Millions of heavy feet pound and shuffle in the dust. So it has been through the cen­ turies. When Jesus told the parable about the prodigal son it was universal. The young man became representative Have you taken it to Jesus? 'Tis the only place to go

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