Biola Broadcaster - 1966-03

by Dr. William Ward Ayer


are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye recon­ ciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteous­ ness of God in him.” Today, apostate C h r is tia n ity is working along with the world trying to bring about a reconciliation be­ tween nations. This endeavor is not according to God’s revealed program. The reason is because Christ’s cross is rejected. There can be no reconcil­ ing until there is first of all atoning. This reconcilation comes by grace through faith. Jesus came into the world to bring peace between man and man, between nation and nation, but He has a different program for e'ach. God’s purpose is unfolded in the full- God’s purpose is unfolded in the fullness of time. Since reconciliation has already been accomplished at the cross God is no longer an enemy of man even though man is a terrible sinner and at enmity with the Lord. There are some who question the real­ ity of the angels’ message at that first Christmas when they promised peace. It is true there have been more de­ vastating wars in the Christian era than ever before world history. You see, however, the proclamation was not a promise of immediate peace. It was both a declaration and a proph­ ecy. It offered peace to whosoever would believe, at the same time fore­ telling of a day that would come when peace would reign over the entire world. This signifies the second com­ ing and reign of Christ. We can’t expect lasting peace when the God-given elements for making peace are rejected by men. All of the churches and clergy put together can­ not possibly bring about lasting world alliances and truces. It is not only highly idealistic but also, in reality, 18

I T IS sad to see so many formerly great denominational bodies mak­ ing radical departures from the creeds and confessions of the past. Religious leaders are taking a deep theological plunge toward apostasy as foretold in the Word of God. When the authority of the Bible is downgraded and the doctrine of reconciliation set aside, only chaos and confusion can result. One large denomination will no longer require its ministers at ordi­ nation to confess their faith in the Bible as the infallible Word of God, but rather helpful to guide one in a better life. The true believer will see the sad significance of these changes. These liberal preachers are now say­ ing, “The words of Scripture are the mere words of men and are not fully relevant to our day, because the men who wrote them were limited by an­ cient cultures. Their views on the uni­ verse are limited literary factions.” Basically, we need to understand that such satanic attacks are actually against Christ and especially His cross and redemptive work. Modern­ ists would make it merely a kind of social brotherhood. They tell us, “The cross must no longer be an offense to the highly intellectual man.” Consider the philosophy of recon­ ciliation based largely on internation­ alism and racial fellowship. The term ‘reconciliation’ is a definite Biblical term. The word is found in Daniel 9:24. A high point on the subject is found in Romans 5:6-11. Study that blessed passage to see the true per­ spective of this important subject. “While we Were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” We are reconciled to God by the death of His Son. Atonement, you see, is the act, and reconciliation with God is the result. More informa­ tion is found in II Corinthians 5:18- 21. God has committed unto us the word of reconciliation. “Now then we

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