Biola Broadcaster - 1966-03

image of God. Note the importance underscored in verse 6, “Whoso shed- deth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made he man.” In Numbers we are told that blood shed in a land not given its rightful avenging, makes the land polluted thereby. What a solemn word for us to consider today. Q . Glendale, Aria.— “How can I answer a person who says we have no soul or that we have only a hope of salvation and aren’t saved now but will be at the judgment day?” A. There is a theological view which holds to the idea that man is only body and soul. We believe, however, that man is composed of body, soul and spirit. This point has been argued through the centuries. The spirit is exclusively a human characteristic, apart from animals or other living creatures. Perhaps the person is an atheist believing that when man dies that is the end of it. Scripture, how­ ever, very clearly refutes this fala- cious view. God’s Word tells us, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.” The hope of salvation is clearly set forth for us in such pas­ sages as John 10:27-29. This is the assurance of eternal life repeated throughout the Bible. Ours is a “know so” salvation. Q . San Gabriel, Calif. — “How did the name Easter, an Assyrian goddess, get into the church?” A. Not seeming to be facetious, it got in the same way that holy water, images, and the like were brought in. In the fourth century, when the church no longer denounced the pa­ gan world around it, opening its doors under Constantine, many such practices became fashionable. When we use the name Easter today we do not have any reference to such activ­ ity. Most people would have no idea who this goddess was. Of course, every day of the week comes from some pagan god, such as Thor for Thursday.

Q . Spokane, Wash. — ‘‘Why do you quote from revisions i f the King James has n e v e r been improved upon?" A. This is a good question. The King James translation was made in 1611, based upon the best manuscripts in the Greek and Heb rew available. Thousands of manuscripts were used, compared and studied. There have been other manuscripts discovered, however, since this version was made. Some of them date back as early as 300 to 400 A.D. Subsequent versions have required study of the oldest manuscripts in existence. You see, as a result of the necessary copying which took place down through the centuries, human mistakes have crept in. It should be pointed out, however, that the remarkable part of it is that there are comparatively very few dif­ ferences found in the Greek between these manuscripts. The King James Version has never been improved upon for majesty and dignity of ex­ pression, holding high the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. We use it principally and teach our stu­ dents from it. They memorize verses from it for personal evangelism. We do not agree with many of the popu­ lar translations today both from the standpoint of the liberal scholars who made them and their resultant ef­ forts which have not held high the cardinal doctrines of truth. Other such work is used for reference pri­ marily. Q . Newport, Wash. — ‘‘Will you please explain sanctification which some de­ nominations preach as a second work of grace?" A. There are three different ways this term is used. The first is the por­ tion of all believers the moment one puts his faith in Christ (Heb. 10:10). This is called “positional sanctification.” The te rm rightly means “to set apart.” The Lord begins a process in us at the moment of sal­ vation which will not be complete until we see Him face to face. This is 24

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