So also every "stop" is just another step to test And prove to me one fact— "God's way is always best." I only want whatever God has planned, So, all is well— He holds me in His hand. Yes, I can trust Him now to lead aright, As I walk on with Him, through faith, not sight. Then, through this fiery trial what does my Saviour say? Perhaps just this, "Be still my child, lean hard and pray." Today I learned anew to answer, "Lord, Thy way is best, Now help me to be still— lean hard and pray and REST." * There's nothing wrong with men possess ing riches. The trouble comes when riches possess men. * * * GOD'S W A Y IS BEST I know not where my Lord may guide O'er barren plain, or streams by side; Through valley or on mountain crest. But where He leads, I know 'tis best. * * I know not what a day may bring Of perfect health or suffering; Of rich delights or distress, Keen disappointment or success. Nor do I know at morning sun If life shall last till day is done. But this I know— come toil or rest, God always sends me what is best. God often sends me joy through pain; Through bitter loss, divlnest gain. Yet through it all— dark days or bright— I know my Father leads aright. And when life's evening shadows fall, And I shall hear the final call, I'll lean my head upon His breast, And say, "Dear Lord, Thy way is best!" — Austin W. Conklin
Too many folk worry about what people think of them, when actually they don't think of them at all. * * * CROPS A N D A CH ILD I have seed to raise so I plow my fields And I plant my crops with care; And I thank the Lord for the rain He sends As I watch them growing there. But I don't sit down with a book by day. And just let my fields run wild; For crops won't grow by themselves, I know— Is it different with a child? I have a boy to raise and I want a man When his growing days are done; And a man must work for the crop he seeks— Is it different with a son? I will work with him, and I'll pray for him, And I'll do the best I can; The Lord has given me a son to raise And I want to raise a man. THROUGH FIERY TRIALS W ITH GOD What shall I learn from God through fiery trials today, As side by side He walks with me along life's rugged way? He never fails— not even in this dark est hour— I know my Lord is nigh— I feel His power. Today I thank Him for His love and grace, In perfect peace the future I can face. He knows of each new need before "the day" And lovingly, my Saviour plans my earthly way. As day by day I feed upon God's Word, I learn my every step is "ordered of the Lord." Some people know all about life, except how to live it!
Too many folk worry about what people think of them, when actually they don't think of them at all. 28
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