by Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson Bethany Baptist Church, West Covina, California
Daniel’s Prophecy
T h e r e w e r e evidently three depor tations of the Jews to Babylon. Daniel and his three friends were taken captive in the first deportation, which took place about 606 B.C. At that time Nebuchadnezzar took the vessels from the house of God to the temple in Babylon. The second depor tation occurred about 598 B.C., eight years after Daniel went to Babylon. Ezekiel was carried into captivity at that time. The third and final deporta tion, together with the destruction of Jerusalem itself, came to pass in 588 B.C. All this was the fulfillment of prophecy previously given. From such passages as Jeremiah 25:1-4 and II Chronicles 36:14-21, it will be seen that the captivity was a direct judg
ment of God on the nation Israel, be cause of her terrible sins, particularly idolatry, failure to observe the Sab batic years of rest, and refusal to heed the faithful warning of God’s prophets. Jehovah, in His mercy, al lowed the Israelites to go on for a considerable time in their sins, but finally the time of His patience came to an end and judgment descended. Ashpenaz, the king’s chief chamber- lain, received a special order from Nebuchadnezzar. He was told to select certain Jewish boys, young fellows probably around the age of twelve or fourteen. They were to be boys of noble birth, and also of attractive per sonal appearance. In addition, they were to be youths with something in side their heads as well as on the out-
Blola leaders are pictured meeting together tor a spiritual seminar. Seated from left to right are Mr. Al Sanders, vice president of Public Relations, Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, president, Mr. Paul Schwepker, vice president of Finance, Dr. Richard Chase, vice president of Academics; back row, Mr. James Bramer, controller, Mr. William Carden,
director of Admissions, Mr. Merv Fishback, execu tive administrator of the Arizona Bible College, Mr. John Isaac, director of Stewardship, Mr. Sun shine Summers, attorney, Dr. Milton C. Gould, director of Development, and Mr. Bill Ehmann, director of Publications and Promotion.
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