Are You Available?
by D. Stuart Briscoe
O ur gracious G od knows all about the innermost desires and long ings of the seeking soul. He has prom ised light and understanding to the one who seeks His truth and salva tion. I want to tell you a story to illus trate that this principle works today. It may be an encouragement to you as you go out into the highways and byways, available fo r th e Lord’s service. Expect Him to put you in touch with the right people. About three years ago I was driving over in Germany headed for Luxem bourg. I saw a man who was obviously English, standing at the side of the road. He wanted a ride so I pulled over. Seeing I was in a German car he asked first of all, “Do you speak English?” I replied wryly, “Yes, a lit tle. Hop in if you like.” He congratu lated me on my English, .admitting it was very good. When he found out I was born and reared in Great Britain he wanted to know what I was doing on the continent. I explained that my purpose was to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ. Immediately he seemed interested, telling me, “This is a strange thing. I have been pray ing for years. A few minutes before your car came along, I found myself praying. Isn’t that strange? I have been over here on the continent of Eu rope with a friend who is a militant atheist. If anyone ever mentions the word God he will fly into a rage and tell them in no uncertain terms to be quiet. We had a disagreement just a few minutes ago and he went one way and I went the other. About three years ago some friends of mine went away on a holiday. They came back from their hotel and told me some of the things about God that you’re tell ing me now. They couldn’t explain it very well, but one thing I remember they said was that they had been con verted. Would that be the right
word?” I told him it was. He con tinued, “I can see the difference in their lives. They went somewhere in the north of England called Capern- wray Hall.” When I told him that was the place I was from he was amazed. Remember, we were in the middle of Germany. It was more than just mere circumstance that all these things should be happening. I explained, “At the beginning of the day I told the Lord I belonged to Him and that I wanted Him to put me in the right place at the right time. I looked to Him to do something special today, so I wasn’t the least bit surprised when I saw you standing there.” As a result he came along to Luxembourg with me where I was holding a special meet ing. He was converted through these circumstances. Why? Here was a seek ing soul whom the grace of God knew all about. Another incident concerns my wife. One day she was to have the car, how ever, I left with the ignition keys and she was delayed for two hours. Finally setting out she prayed, “Lord, you know I’m two hours late already. Just what do you have in mind for the day?” Driving along she saw three girls standing by the side of the road. With three empty seats in the car she picked them up. Since they were Ger man she told them she was going to a meeting where there were lots of Ger mans. They weren’t interested in go ing. They wanted to head for London. She kept persuading them and finally they agreed to go to Capernwray Hall. They liked it so well they stayed over night. The next day when my wife got there one girl said excitedly, “A won derful thing happened last night. In the meeting I heard about the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him into my life. I know it is real because He has made a difference in my life already.” Again, a gracious God knew 6
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