Microsoft Word - Guidebook for Veterans Incarcerated in Vir…

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Education and Training VA pays benefits to eligible veterans, reservists, and active duty service members while they are in an approved education or training program. Benefits are based on the type of military service.

x 7KH3RVW*,%LOO provides financial support for education and housingto indiv idu als with at least 90 day s of agg regat eservic eon or after Septembe r11,2001, or individu als disc harge d with a service-conne cted disabilit y aft er 30 day s.You must hav e received an honorable dis charg e to be eligible for thePost -9/11GI Bill. Addit ional informat ion is available at http://w or you can call 800- GIBILL1. x %HQHILWV The school will report a veteran’s status as incarcerated on thecertification and note whether the federal, state, or local government is paying all orpart of the cost for tuition, fees, books, equipment, or supplies and the amountspaid. x 7LPH/LPLWV Benefits are available for up to 15 years from the last period ofactive duty of at least 90 consecutive days. This also applies if released for a service- connected disability after at least 30 days of continuous service. x Forever GI Bill and General Education information : Claimants incarcerated for a felony conviction can be paid only the costs of tuition, fees, and necessary books, equipment, and supplies. VA cannot make payments for tuition, fees, books, equipment, or supplies if another Federal State or local program pays these costs in full. If another government program pays only a part of the cost of tuition, fees, books, equipment, or supplies, VA can authorize the incarcerated claimant payment for the remaining part of the costs. VetSuccess on Campus Program: The VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) program aims to help Service members, Veterans, and eligible dependents succeed and thrive through a coordinated delivery of on-campus benefits assistance and counseling, leading to completion of their education and preparing them to enter the labor market in viable careers

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