Microsoft Word - Guidebook for Veterans Incarcerated in Vir…

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US Department of Veterans Affairs - Help for Justice Involved Veterans and Homeless Veterans 9$3URJUDPVIRUWKH+RPHOHVV9HWHUDQV The goal with any VA benefit and services is the prevention of homelessness. Upon release or shortly after release, if it appears you are facing homelessness, contact the NATIONAL HOMELESS CALL CENTER 1-877-424-3838 VETERANS CRISIS LINE 1-800-273-8255 to be referred to the nearest VA Medical Center’s HCHV program. This is a 24- Hour call center to support Veterans in crisis. Although the below listed resources are established in all national VA Medical Center, each HCHV program has a different referral process to the programs offered. Refer to the nearest VA Medical Center for further assistance. About Us The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is taking decisive action to end Veteran homelessness. All Veterans at risk for homelessness or attempting to exit homelessness should have easy access to programs and services. VA offers a variety of resources, programs and benefits to aid in this mission. Veterans are seen at the medical center, in legal and criminal justice system settings, or in the community. The Veteran’s needs are assessed and resources are provided directly through the VA or with community-based partners. Our programs were established to help the Veteran to prevent homelessness or to emerge from homelessness in order to live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible. Mission To serve Veterans in their journey out of homelessness through skilled social work casework and treatment resulting in housing, recovery, improved quality of life and independence. Who We Are And What We Offer +HDOWKFDUHIRU+RPHOHVV9HWHUDQV2XWUHDFK The VA Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Program provides a gateway to VA and community supportive services to eligible Veterans. Through the HCHV Program, Veterans are provided with case management and residential treatment and housing in the community. The Program also conducts outreach to Veterans in the community who would otherwise have barriers to obtaining hospital-wide services on their own. This program provides community outreach, case management and a range of other services to help homeless Veterans gain secure housing. 

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