Microsoft Word - Guidebook for Veterans Incarcerated in Vir…

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VETE also hosts an annual Virginia Women Veterans Summit. The mission of the summit is to bring together veterans, employers, community leaders, and government agencies from the federal, state, and local levels to raise awareness about the services and benefits offered specifically for women veterans through expert presenters, panel discussions, and exhibits. Contact for more information. 9HWHUDQV&DUH&HQWHUV&HPHWHULHVDQGWKH 9LUJLQLD:DU0HPRULDO  DVS Veterans Care Centers provide affordable long-term care, Alzheimer's/dementia care, and short term rehabilitation to Virginia’s veterans. DVS Veteran Care Centers are located in Richmond (Sitter & Barfoot), Roanoke (Virginia Veterans Care Center), Virginia Beach (Jones & Cabacoy-opening early 2020), and Fauquier County (Puller Veterans Care Center-opening in early 2020). The agency also operates three veterans cemeteries: the Virginia Veterans Cemetery in Amelia, the Albert G. Horton, Jr. Memorial Veterans Cemetery in Suffolk, and the Southwest Virginia Veterans Cemetery in Dublin. The Virginia War Memorial is Virginia’s monument to honor the memory of men and women from Virginia who served and fought from World War II to the present. The Virginia War Memorial in Richmond serves an integral role in supporting the mission of the Virginia Department of Veteran Services.


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