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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) offers nutrition assistance to eligible low-income individuals and families. The Food and Nutrition Service works with State agencies, nutrition educators as well as neighborhood and faith-based organizations to ensure those eligible can make informed decisions to access benefits. For further information, please see www.fns.usda.gov/snap.
Local meal programs may be available in your community. You can contact Department of Social Services (DSS), as well as community and faith-based organizations.
Other programs may be available in your area. Check the community services section of your phonebook. Look for listings such as the American Red Cross, Catholic Charities or Catholic Social Services, the Salvation Army, United Way, 2-1-1, and other non-profit providers.
211 Virginia 800-230-6977 www.211virginia.org
2-1-1 Virginia is an easy to remember phone number connecting people with free information on available community services. When you dial 2-1-1, a trained professional listens to your situation and suggests sources of help using one of the largest databases of health and human services in Virginia. 2-1-1 Virginia provides access to services in your community and statewide. All referrals are confidential and you can search for these same services on the 2-1-1 VIRGINIA's website. :RPHQ9HWHUDQV Most VA medical centers and readjustment offices have a designated women veterans coordinator to assist women veterans in accessing VA benefit programs and healthcare services. Call 1-877-222-8387 to find the medical center nearest you. Additional information is available at http://www.oefoif.va.gov/womenvets.asp. The National Resource Center for Justice Involved Women (NRCJIW) is a partnership between the U.S. Department of Justice, the Office of Justice Programs, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the National Institute of Corrections. The partnership seeks to address the unique and complex needs of adult women who are involved in the criminal justice system. The mission of the NRCJIW provides guidance and support to criminal justice professionals and to promote gender-responsive policies and practices to reduce the number and improve outcomes of women involved in the criminal justice center. For more information, visit their website http://cjinvolvedwomen.org.
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