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Through the SSVF Program, VA aims to improve very low-income Veteran families’ housing stability (rapid re-housing/prevention, and supportive services). Grantees (private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives) provide eligible Veteran families with outreach, case management, and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include:
Health care services Daily living services
Fiduciary and payee services
Legal services
Personal financial planning services
Child care services
Transportation services Housing counseling services In addition, grantees may also provide time-limited payments to third parties (e.g., landlords, utility companies, moving companies, and licensed child care providers) if these payments help Veterans’ families stay in or acquire permanent housing on a sustainable basis. http://www.va.gov/homeless/ssvf.asp If you are a Veteran in need of help, call 1-877-424-3838 (4AIDVET) or scroll down to a local provider 1RUWKHUQ9LUJLQLD )ULHQGVKLS3ODFH '& $UHDV6HUYHG&RXQWLHVRI$UOLQJWRQ)DLUID[)DLUID[&LW\0DQDVVDVDQG0DQDVVDV3DUN/RXGRX Q3ULQFH :LOOLDP&LW\RI)DOOV&KXUFKDQG&LW\RI$OH[DQGULD vfscreen@friendshipplace.org 202-658-9599
(202) 667-7006
Operation Renewed Hope Foundation https://operationrewedhopefoundation.org
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