Microsoft Word - Guidebook for Veterans Incarcerated in Vir…

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Through the SSVF Program, VA aims to improve very low-income Veteran families’ housing stability (rapid re-housing/prevention, and supportive services). Grantees (private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives) provide eligible Veteran families with outreach, case management, and assistance in obtaining VA and other benefits, which may include:

Health care services Daily living services

Fiduciary and payee services

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Legal services

Personal financial planning services

Child care services

Transportation services Housing counseling services In addition, grantees may also provide time-limited payments to third parties (e.g., landlords, utility companies, moving companies, and licensed child care providers) if these payments help Veterans’ families stay in or acquire permanent housing on a sustainable basis. If you are a Veteran in need of help, call 1-877-424-3838 (4AIDVET) or scroll down to a local provider 1RUWKHUQ9LUJLQLD  )ULHQGVKLS3ODFH '&  $UHDV6HUYHG&RXQWLHVRI$UOLQJWRQ)DLUID[)DLUID[&LW\0DQDVVDVDQG0DQDVVDV3DUN/RXGRX Q3ULQFH :LOOLDP&LW\RI)DOOV&KXUFKDQG&LW\RI$OH[DQGULD 202-658-9599



(202) 667-7006

Operation Renewed Hope Foundation




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