A C loser L ook
D esigned by the architecture firm S/L/A/M C ollaborative , who has worked on several buildings at H opkins , the new building ’ s exterior will blend with the existing G eorgian R evival style prominent across the S chool ’ s campus . T he interior will feature a great deal of natural light , house art galleries and events , and provide casual space for congregating . W hen completed , the C enter will include many sustainable features .
The auditorium is well proportioned and appointed to support a variety of functions, including plays, concerts, films, speakers, assemblies, admissions gatherings, public events, and more. Audience members will enjoy comfortable seats, excellent sightlines, and superb acoustics.
performance hall
The new facility includes a welcoming lobby and a wide, open gallery on the upper level for audience members to gather before or after performances, or enjoy intermission. Gallery seating will also serve as a destination for students looking to gather, collaborate, or study.
gathering spaces
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