Views from the Hill | 2023 Issue 1

R eflections on L ovell H all

The announcement of the improved building has sparked many to reflect on the magic and charm of Lovell Hall, which has played host to unforgettable moments of creative achievement and expression for so many. Here, we feature some of those reflections from the people who have experienced Lovell Hall firsthand, from current teachers and students to alums who eagerly shared their memories.

Mike Calderone D rama I nstructor and D irector of S everal H opkins T heatre P erformances each year

Ellie Welby ‘24 “Lovell was my comfort place on campus. Every D block, I would go sit at that old and rickety table outside of the girls’ bathroom. It was a quiet place to study—isolated from distractions and noise. If I needed to just take a break, that table in Lovell was my go-to spot. No idea where that table went, but I do miss going there during my free periods.”

Alison DeSimone ‘03 “It’s a little hard to talk about a space that I haven’t set foot in in many, many years, but the theater was a home away from home to me while I was at Hopkins. I spent countless hours there—onstage, backstage, and in the audience. I remember every step that it took for me to walk there from the other buildings on campus. It was the most welcoming place for me during my four years of high school; while you’d think a drama department would have. . . drama. . . it never felt like that to me.”

“For me, the charm comes from hints, notes, layers of past shows that have seeped into the walls, the stage floor, and backstage for sure. I’ll see paint from a past show that didn’t need to be painted over and still exists backstage; or when accidentally pulling up literal layers of paint on the stage proper: one can actually see the growth of the program like tree rings. Every facet of the building: its smells, its nooks, its sounds are very familiar and comforting. Like the reverberation that happens between the auditorium walls, Lovell echoes.”

Students in the 1994 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Students on the Lovell stage in 2003.



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