Donor Impact Report 2024
Thank you for taking the time to read the 2024 Donor Impact Report.
In my role as Acting Master and a supporter of the College myself, I am delighted to have the opportunity to thank our community of donors and friends for supporting our vision of widening access to a Dulwich education to pupils from all backgrounds regardless of their financial backgrounds. Thanks to your support, Dulwich College was selected as a Finalist in the Contribution to Social Mobility category at the Independent Schools of the Year 2024 awards. My colleagues and I take great pride in being able to showcase the impact of the bursary programme here and the opportunities it affords our entire community. In 2010, there were 171 pupils in receipt of means-tested support, 17 of whom received full bursaries. In 2023-24, the College supported 216 boys with bursaries, 138 with fully-funded places. This achievement, amidst some of the most challenging and uncertain economic circumstances of the last years, is a real testament to you, our parents, OAs, and friends, and your shared commitment to social mobility. Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, over £1.4 million was donated in 2023-24. As we continue our commitment, the potential imposition of VAT on school fees could create additional challenges in expanding our bursary programme, making your ongoing support more important than ever. Your contributions play a vital role in widening access through means-tested bursaries and supporting our partnership work in the local community. Whether through regular monthly gifts, establishing named bursaries, leaving a legacy, or generously offering your time and expertise, your support is truly making a difference and helping transform lives at Dulwich College. On behalf of the Governors, staff and pupils at Dulwich College, thank you. Without you, we would not be able to make such a difference.
A Message from our Acting Master
Your support this year
Continuing the Commitment: Bursaries from 1944 to today Our Partnerships
The future of teacher training
Making a difference starts here
Impact 500
Making a greater difference
Spotlighting transformational giving Named Bursaries The Class of 1995 Bursary The Gerry Thornton and Andy Wilson Bursaries
Your Legacy
Our Benefactors
Thank You
Gift Form
Best wishes,
Fiona Angel Acting Master
Your Support this Year
In 2023-24, £5.3 million was spent on bursary support including but not limited to fee relief, bursary holders who board at Dulwich, providing school lunches, coaches, school trips, music lessons, uniforms and stationery.
503 donors gave £1.4 million of philanthropic income.
From that £5.3 million....
£367k spent on bursary holders who board at Dulwich
Donations: £1.4m Parents £658,173 OAs £560,657 Staff £145,332 Trusts and Foundations £37,746 Organisations £24,658 Governors
Number of donors: 503 OAs 312 Parents 151 Staff 13 Friends 11 Trusts and Foundations 7 Organisations 5 Governors 3
£330k spent on bursary pupil support
£4.6m spent on fee relief
£17,650 Friends £5,187
We spent approximately £500,000 more on bursary support this year compared to last year.
*figures rounded for illustrative purposes
47% of donors support the College throughout the entire year by making recurring gifts
216 boys receive bursaries 138 boys receive full bursaries (100% of fees) 163 boys receive deep bursaries (75%+ of fees)
All of the College’s funds are committed to the pursuit of its charitable objectives. The information given has been taken from our internal unaudited management information for the year ended 31 July 2024. A copy of our accounts can be found online:
Continuing the Commitment: Bursaries from 1944 to Today The Dulwich Experiment was introduced under the Education Act in 1944 by then Master Christopher Gilkes, to widen access to pupils who could not afford school fees. A common entrance exam was implemented, and any child who passed the exam qualified for a free place with fees being paid by the local authority.
At one point, 9 out of 10 pupils at Dulwich College attended the school on a free place
“The friends I have now, the people I’m surrounded by now, the confidence I have now is all a consequence of the two years I spent at Dulwich College.”
216 2023/24
Arese Joe-Oshodi OA (2018-20)
197 2022/23
“The Dulwich Experiment produced social mobility by education, which is very much a theme that is still strong at Dulwich today, following Edward Alleyn who founded the College for twelve poor scholars some 400 years ago.”
195 2020/21
191 2019/20
191 2018/19
190 2021/22
Number of pupils on bursaries Year
Will Lewis OA (1954-65)
Today, in the absence of government funding, Dulwich College has its own bursary programme to enable students from all backgrounds to gain a Dulwich education on a free or subsidised place.
175 2017/18
171 2010/11
169 2011/12
165 2015/16
162 2016/17
158 2013/14
153 2014/15
148 2012/13
“We are extremely lucky to have the support of the entire community, including OAs and parents to make Dulwich this vibrant and inclusive school.”
Shortly after the Dulwich Experiment era ended, the Assisted Places Scheme was introduced in 1980 and emulated the same principle of eligible children being provided with free or subsidised places at Dulwich College based on their results in the entrance examinations.
Approximately 18% of all pupils at the College in the late 1980s were awarded to a supported place
Dr Adrian Carr OA (1973-80), Chair of Governors
“Having the opportunity to come to a school like Dulwich College is just incredible. Especially if you're from a low or no-income household. It is transformative.”
To set up a regular gift or to give a one-off donation, please complete the gift form in the brochure or visit: We would be deeply grateful if you would consider donating to the Bursary Appeal Fund today.
Jon Guinness OA (1988-96)
Our Partnerships
The Future of Teacher Training
105 charitable and local organisations made use of our facilities at a reduced rate this year
We are proud to be the largest hub for the national School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programmes in Maths, Physics and Modern Languages, and have trained almost 200 Mathematics, Physics and Modern Foreign Languages teachers via these bespoke, subject specific programmes. Since SCITT's introduction at Dulwich 7 years ago, over 90% of our trainees have remained in their teaching posts at both state and independent schools.
We believe independent schools are an integral part of the national system of education and that we have a duty to help support the state sector. We are delighted to share our expertise, facilities and other resources to build deep, mutually beneficial community partnerships.
In 2023-24, we raised £45,121 for partnership work at Dulwich College
These holistic programmes blend academic theory with hands-on classroom experience. Trainees spend one day a week at the College, deepening their subject knowledge and professional skills, while the rest of the week is spent in their placement schools, supported by a dedicated mentor who also benefits from leadership training through the programme. SCITT is a government funded initiative, subsidised by Dulwich College. We fund a SCITT administrator as well as providing substantial periods of remission for teachers from their teaching timetables, who are subject leads and mentors for SCITT.
240 pupils from four local primary schools took part in eight Art & DT College workshops in the 2023 summer term
“I direct the SCITT programmes at Dulwich College because we need teachers to inspire the next generation coming through the school system. When I conduct observations of our trainees in their placement schools, pupils and colleagues often go out of their way to say how much they appreciate the impact their teacher is making. In many subjects, all schools have problems with recruitment and retention of excellent teachers. Our trainees are definitely making a vital difference across London and the South East.”
Dr Robert Bastin, Director of SCITT, Hub Lead and Lead Teacher of Physics (NMAP Dulwich Hub)
Making a Difference Starts Here
Impact 500
One of our most recent leavers, Hank Ze OA (2020-24) has consistently embodied a spirit of service and innovation during his time at the College. In Year 11, entirely on his own initiative, Hank applied for a grant from the Mark Evison Foundation (MEF), established in honour of the late Lt Mark Evison OA (1995-98) to fund the creation of Simple Desserts , a cookbook he wrote, illustrated, and published. The proceeds from his project were donated to support the work of UNICEF and the MEF. Inspired by this experience, Hank became a driving force behind a new College initiative called Impact 500. Launched in September 2023, Impact 500 encourages younger Dulwich pupils to identify a social or environmental issue they care about and, with the guidance of a senior school or Old Alleynian mentor, research and develop their own enterprise project to address it. This programme aims to cultivate a lasting ethos among Alleynians and future Old Alleynians to be socially responsible and to actively contribute to positive change in their communities.
Last year, OAs Sean Richardson (2002-07) (below right), Harry Bucknell (2000-05) and Cedric Sekweyama (1987- 97) (below left) visited the College 15 times to engage with pupils, staff and the wider Dulwich community.
A Dulwich education extends beyond the classroom, providing transformative opportunities to pupils from diverse backgrounds while fostering partnerships with local schools and the wider community. This work has a direct impact on the education of our own pupils as we seek to inspire them to become socially aware and responsible citizens.
Over 800 students and 150 staff volunteered in 54 community service projects in 2023/24
Almost £50,000 was raised for our Charity of the Year, The Uganda School Project (TUSP), including ongoing support from the Old Alleynian Association
“Coming back to Dulwich and seeing how service is such an important part of the Dulwich ecosystem, more than it was in my time, is amazing. Especially being able to speak to groups of people, like Impact 500, about service and its impact, and seeing a twinkle in a few of these pupils’ eyes – it's one of the highlights of coming back for me.”
College pupils raised £45,000 for 17 nominated charities in 2023/24
Sean Richardson OA (2002-07)
Making a Greater Difference Spotlighting Transformational Giving
A co-funded bursary
Class of 1995 Leavers
Every gift, large or small, plays a vital role in widening access to a Dulwich College education and creating lasting opportunities for talented students. Donors can enjoy full flexibility in the amount they give, the way they give, and the impact they wish to have. Here are three examples of how donors have chosen to support Dulwich College through transformational gifts.
We are sincerely grateful to the following donors, who have chosen to make transformational gifts that enable us to provide long-term bursary support and create life-changing opportunities for individual students at Dulwich College.
The Class of 1993 Dr Azhar Ala Ted Chwu Amos Dadzie Ben Li Nick Marsh Khalid Talukder The Class of 1995 Michael Chan Richard Davies Richard Evans Kam Wing Fung Kartik Ghia Stephen Ireton Ben Turnbull
Inspired by this innovative mode of philanthropy, we are delighted to spotlight the Class of 1995 Bursary collectively funded by Stephen Ireton, Ben Turnbull, Kartik Ghia, Richard Evans, Kam Wing Fung, Richard Davies and Michael Chan. The Class of 1995 Last year, we were proud to introduce a new way of giving back to the College; a co-funded bursary by six OAs from the class of 1993.
A monthly gift of £506 over 7 years will support 25% of a named bursary
Helping to fund a pupil’s education
“We were all incredibly fortunate to attend the College, and for up to a third of us, this was made possible through bursaries, assisted places, or scholarships. Education is the silver bullet that has the power to transform lives.”
For those interested in making a significant difference, committing to support a seven-year bursary, either in full or part, gives the option to support a specific individual throughout their education. The Development Office works closely with Admissions and the Bursary Committee to select your bursary recipient for the incoming year, and you will receive anonymised reports and updates on your beneficiary’s progress throughout their time at Dulwich. While the recipient’s identity is kept confidential, this offers an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the life- changing impact your generous support is making.
Stephen Ireton OA (1986-95)
Mark and Kirsten Aldous The Stephen Burton Memorial Foundation Guy Davis and Barbara Cassani – in honour of Terrance and Shirley Davis The Franey Foundation David Gleave and Luciann Flynn Tierney and Adam Horne – in honour of Stuart Horne The Karia Foundation Graham and Nicole Keniston-Cooper The Krishnan Family The Looker Family John and Brenda Lovering Sir John and Lady Ritblat Demetrio and Mariola Salorio Michael and Jean Shirley – in honour of Ivan Shirley The Thornton and Wilson Families The Worshipful Company of International Bankers The Worshipful Company of Pewterers And our anonymous Named Bursary donors
Bursary Award (% of a 7-year full bursary) 100% 25% 5%
Gift Required £170,000 £42,500 £8,500
Donor contribution (under the Gift Aid Scheme) £136,000 £34,000 £6,800
The College can reclaim Gift Aid of: £34,000
Named bursaries make up over 30% of this year’s bursary donations
£8,500 £1,700
“Education changes lives. The generosity of our bursary donors gives more talented pupils the chance to learn, thrive and grow at Dulwich. We are extremely grateful for their commitment to making a lasting difference.”
* Higher tax payers receive even greater tax advantages on donations. Visit our website to find out more donate/gift-aid
We help guide our donors throughout this process - whether that be funding a full bursary place, joining a giving circle, leaving a gift in your will or finding fellow classmates and friends to co-fund with you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team at or 020 8299 5195.
Matt Jarrett, Director of Development
The Gerry Thornton and Andy Wilson Bursaries: A Collaboration Between Dulwich College and Alleyn’s
Gerald (Gerry) Thornton (1926-2007) was a much loved former member of Dulwich College staff who devoted 31 years of his career to serving the community here from 1955-86: as former Assistant Master, Housemaster of Ivyholme, master in charge of cricket, and as a teacher of literature. Former staff members described Gerry as equally capable of keeping the brightest boys interested whilst motivating the weaker boys to overachieve - and as a housemaster, his civilised, unauthoritarian style struck the right chord for its times. He was characterised as the kindest and most cheerful of colleagues, full of encouragement and common-sense advice. remembered by generations of Old Alleynians and by former colleagues. Dulwich College is honoured to pay tribute to him by fostering a legacy of opportunity - extending his values and spirit to inspire future students. His service to this school was exemplary, and he is fondly
Endowing a Bursary
Earlier this year we were excited to announce a very special collaboration – the first of its kind – between Dulwich College and Alleyn’s: The Gerry Thornton and Andy Wilson Bursaries. The Thornton and Wilson families have a long- standing connection with the Foundation Schools. It began with Gerry Thornton’s time as a Master at Dulwich College, where he also served as the boarding house Master of Ivyholme. Gerry, his wife Ann, and their three children- Damian, Emma and James- lived alongside 53 Dulwich boarders. Both James and Damian attended Dulwich, while Emma went to JAGS. Today, this family connection continues with the next generation attending both Dulwich and Alleyn’s. In honour of their late father, Gerry, and Emma’s late
husband, Andy, the Thornton and Wilson families have generously committed to launching these endowed bursaries, and hope that OAs and friends of the family will join them. This support will provide free places for talented pupils from the Camberwell area, ensuring that more students can benefit from the transformative education both schools offer. A fully endowed bursary at Dulwich College will support 10 pupils every 70 years, offering life-changing opportunities for many years and generations to come and we are immensely grateful to the Thornton and Wilson families to celebrate the lives and values of Gerry and Andy by establishing these named awards.
“We can’t think of a more fitting tribute to the memories of our father and Andy than to create awards in their names that will benefit local children now and in the future.” “The groundbreaking nature of the collaboration between the two schools is especially meaningful for our family as well as beautifully aligned with the founder’s original intent.” Damian Thornton OA (1976-80), James Thornton OA (1967-75), and Emma Wilson
A gift of £500,000 will create a bursary place in perpetuity
If you would like to learn more or would like to support the Gerry Thornton Bursary at Dulwich College please contact or donate online via the QR code.
From left to right: Fiona Angel, Acting Master of Dulwich College, James Thornton OA (67-75), Emma Wilson, Ann Thornton, Damian Thornton OA (76-80) and Jane Lunnon, Head of Alleyn’s
Your Legacy
Considering leaving a legacy of your own? Here’s the key information you will need. Leaving a gift in your will is a deeply personal matter and for many of us, a legacy gift will be the most significant donation we ever make. After you have provided for your loved ones, we hope you will consider remembering the College in your will. You can add Dulwich to your will by contacting your Solicitor. All they need to be able to add the College as a beneficiary is our registered charity number 1150064. If you choose to remember Dulwich College in your will, you may be able to reduce the taxable value of your assets and so lower the amount of tax due on your estate. As a registered charity (no.1150064), gifts left to the College are free from capital gains tax and inheritance tax. In addition, leaving a gift of 10% or more of the net estate value over the IHT threshold to the College, can reduce the rate of Inheritance Tax payable on your estate from 40 per cent to 36 per cent. You can specify how you would like your gift to be used. If you would like to support bursaries or partnerships you can direct your gift to the Bursary Appeal Fund or Partnership Fund. We appreciate the significance of every donation. Please contact Kathi Palitz, Head of Philanthropy to discuss your options via email or phone +44 (0) 20 8299 5369.
Meet the class of 2031 This year, 70 bright new pupils joined the College at Year 7, with 50% of the cohort coming from state schools and 11 pupils in receipt of deep bursaries (more than 75% of fees covered).
With each generation of new Alleynians that enter the College, we are reminded of the significant impact your financial support will have on these young lives. Legacy gifts in particular afford the College the ability to support boys in need of bursary support for years and years to come. Gifts made to our endowment will provide bursary support in perpetuity, meaning that your legacy truly is endless. Expenditure on bursaries has increased significantly over the last 15 years, much of which has been made possible by the contribution of legacies left to the Bursary Fund at Dulwich College. Supporters who choose to include Dulwich College in their will are invited to join our Canon Carver Society. Since its founding in 2004, the Canon Carver Society has grown its membership to 235 total members with 120 living members in our ranks. We have received 130 gifts of all sizes from members, totalling over £6 million. We are also very grateful that our members have contributed further to Dulwich, as volunteers, mentors, and donors.
We received £226,000 in legacy gifts this year
Thank you to all our benefactors who have supported the College . The following Roll of Benefactors includes those who have generously given between 1 August 2023 and 31 July 2024, as well as all our known Canon Carver Society members who have informed us of their kind decision to remember the College in their wills. We would also like to thank our anonymous donors and all our supporters who have helped the College in other meaningful ways- by sharing your time, expertise and advocacy for our work. Every effort has been made to ensure that this list is complete and accurate. If your name has been mistakenly omitted, we hope you will accept our apologies and let us know at
Andrew Nesom Matthew Oakeley Alexander Offer Ernest Ostro Siva Pillay
Richard Mattick Mark Menhennet
Murray Ross Michael Sim
Col Robert Crawley OBE JP Jeremy Davies
Geoffrey Keeble Michael Kirby John Loyd Jeremy Maddison-Roberts Dr John Maile Colin Mander Stuart Martin David Martin-Clark Dr Hector J F McLean CBE Clive Mellor Dr Peter Mudge Bruce Noble MBE
Old Alleynians
Peter Miles Alec Noakes Keith Penfold Frank Penson Graham Prothero Michael Ramus Andrew Reid Anthony Roberts Tim Roberts-Holmes Nick Rundle Hiram Simon David Skinner Daniel Smallwood Simon Smith Timothy Smith Gary Sugarman Christopher Tarrant James Thornton Martin Turner Dr Alan Watt Dr Richard Weber Peter West Robert West Dr Tony Wierzbicki 1980-1989 Simon Clarke Dr Julius Clayton John Corcoran James Cunningham Shamik Dhar Adrian Fuller David Godbee Sqn Ldr Michael Greene Andrew Guy Gavin Hall Nicholas Hallwood Russell Harper Timothy Havenhand Jeremy Hopkins
Michael Simons John Smallwood Ian Smith Dr Richard Soper Prof Christopher Stephens OBE Martin Stone David Trace Alan Trangmar Adrian Underwood OBE Robert Upton CBE Philip Virgo John Walters Ivor Warburton The Very Revd Peter Webber Nicholas White Patrick White Dr Christopher Wilkes Prof John Wyke
Mike Davies Peter Davies Christopher Dean Simon Dyson David J R Elford Christopher Elston Col Keith Galbraith Anthony Gaster
1940-1949 Marshall Field CBE Peter Grose John Harper Ron Hewstone Barry Rose Gordon V W E Wood
Dr Eric Poon David Roche
Dr Nicholas Rollitt Lt Col Philip Rosell Dr Yohan Samarasinghe Dr David Smith Peter Sudell
Tim Gilkes Ian Gilliver Derek Goodchild HHJ Andrew Goymer Laurence Green Dr Anthony Hamilton Robin Harris Robin Hedderly Dr Stuart Herbertson David Heycock Geoffrey Holloway His Honour Judge Michael Hopmeier Christopher Hurrion Martin Jackson Robin Jewett Prof Brian Kennett Brian Kerrigan Michael Kirkman Peter Manning Alan May The Revd Brian McHenry CBE Dr Bob Mercer The Revd Ray Morris Robert Newton Charles Nicholls
1950-1959 Prof Ewan Anderson The Revd Ian Arthur Chris Austen Bernard and Margaret Battley Robert Bembridge Denis Bodiam Peter Bond The Revd Peter Boyden Tony Briselden The Revd Canon Michael Burgess Dr James Burton Roger and Rosemary Chadder Ronald Clayton John Cooper Lt Cmdr Graham Crane Cdr Graham Creedy LVO RN Peter Cremin
Damian Thornton Peter Vicary-Smith James Wadsworth David Wise 1990-1999 Omer Ahmad Dr Azhar Ala Duncan Byrne Michael L C Chan Ted Chwu
Richard Norton Humphrey Nye
Bob Parker David Price George Ray
Michael Renton Malcolm Sargent Edward Saulter The Revd David Sharp Dr Michael Shirley Paul Sims
1970-1979 Michael Abrahams Duncan Anderson
Edward Craig Amos Dadzie Richard Davies Richard and Sara Evans Ziyad Fakhry Clyde Fare Eric Fosdike
Michael Stone David Walker William Waring Peter Webster Brian Willis David Wilson Prof Michael Winterbottom The Revd Beresford D R Wood
Nigel Ashton David Barke Timothy Birse
Stephen Bondfield Prof Chris Bones Simon Brown Prof Michael Burton Niall S G Campbell Robert Condon Nicholas Cremin George Davison Giuseppe De Benedictis Dr John Dean
Roger Croucher Anthony Daltry Edward G Davis
Jonathan Fowles Kam Wing Fung Gokul Ghia Matthew Ghinn
Ronald Davis Colin Deverill Richard Dew Peter Dorey Roy Emmerson Christopher Field Dirk FitzHugh Donald Goodsell Christopher Gordon David Griffiths Michael Hall
1960-1969 Roger Alexander Peter Allwright Marcus Ansell Jeremy Baker Richard Barwick Philip Beaven
David Gibson Jon Guinness Nicholas Hamilton Chris King James King Andrew Kojima Benjamin Li Lt Cdr Thomas McPhail Peter O'Donoghue Jason Oram Tremayne Parvin Hugh Price Sumit Rai Cedric Sekweyama Amit Sharma
David North Mark Otway Ian Paton David Paul Michael Pearman John Pearse Jan Pringle Dr Francis Quinault Patrick Rawson Dr Robin Rayner John Richards
Jim Dewes Tony Edgley
Dr Simon Fleminger Cmdr Bob Grainger
Mark Berry Mike Block Don Boadella John and Elizabeth Bouldin Christopher Boyes Michael Brett Frank Browning
Ian Harris MBE Steven Hastings Peter Hockless David Ince William Jutsum Peter King Stephen Locke Keith Macquarie
Philip Hulston William Jinks Dr Niloy Karia Anthony King
David Halliday Roger Hedge Bruce Hewett Ronald Hickson Philip Holliday Peter Johnson David Jowett
Darius Lewington Dr Nicholas Martin Jason Meers
Howard Richardson Sir Peter Riddell CBE The Rt Hon Sir Colin Rimer
Douglas Butterfield Dr David Cheesman Len Cornish
Catherine and Timothy Polli Marek and Sophia Petecki
Alex Grispos and Grace Hakim Chris and Yvonne Gurney James Hall and Dr Katya Leney-Hall Robert and Louise Hardy Lawrence and Rebecca Hawkins Robert Henderson and Deborah Nadel Sebastian and Isabelle Henkell Von Ribbentrop Richard and Jane Henwood Dr Venetia Herzmark Wing Ho and Winnie Ngai Michael Horner Nozar Hussein and Cheryl Edwards Suzanne Imre Joseph and Irene Izuora Chris and Eleanor Jaques Vasileios Karavas and Dinara Kenessary- Karava Marta Karczmarczyk Graham and Nicole Keniston-Cooper John and Janet Kennedy Dr Andreas Köttering and Dr Katherine Opie-Smith Paul and Kirsty Leece Stuart and Petra Leveton David Look and Molly Poon Yan Luzin and Natalia Yurtaeva Victor Malakhov and Yulia Skornyakova Simon and Lucie Marc Guy Massey and Amanda Noronha Hamish and Vlasta McCombie Peter McDonald and Angela Mannerson
Florence Akingbade Mary Akinpelu Mark and Kirsten Aldous Pasquale Amodio and Randa Hanna- Amodio Yasser Al-Saheal and Amy Lam Pasquale Amodio and Randa Hanna- Amodio Christopher and Lorna Ardern Dr Athanasios Argyropoulos and Dr Zacharoula Galani Andrew and Sarah Backen Stephen and Kirsten Beales Thomas and Catherine Bichard Anatoliy Borysenko and Oksana Kononova Robert Brown and Elizabeth Small Chris Callaghan and Dr Hiva Fassihi Chik Cheng and Jennifer Wong Dr Jonathan Chesterman and Dr Shubulade Smith Fazeela Chharawala Sophia Chikovani Gianluca Ciocci and Kate Morris Leonardo Conga and Margherita Martelli Emmanuel and Sonali De Rycker Dr Neil and Dr Henrietta Deasy David and Sarah Dernis Andrena Dookun Michael Dorgan and Dr Sairah Pillai Marie Dove and Pius Maglo Anthony and Jill Drake-Brockman Doug and Hilary Eastman James Elton and Petra Ekas Marc and Christine El Asmar Murat and Cigdem Erden Pavlos Exarchos and Tina Papadimitriou Michael and Deborah Fiddy Edward and Melissa Fife John Fortune and Nora Robertson Christopher and Jo Foster Aleksandra Foy Bertrand and Caroline Gautier Berekti Gebregiorgis Drew Gillanders David Gleave and Luciann Flynn The Go Family Larysa Golik Steve and Clare Considine Pablo and Lucila Crespo
Damian King Ralph Mainard Sarah McAvoy-Edwards Jo Parker Peter Rees Dr Joe and Angela Spence Andrew and Sarah Threadgould Joanne Whaley
Dr Christian Smith Sunita Tabrizi Khalid Talukder
Mike and Zoe Pierides Myles and Katie Pink Denis and Alison Power Julie Prosdocimo James and Carolina Pyner Gaj and Kathamari Ragunathan Neil and Jane Reynolds Cesare Roselli and Raffaella Arca Gary Rynsard Dr Sergey Sanzhar and Iryna Sanzhar Ignacio Sarria and Ana Iraizoz Stavros Siokos and Teresa Farmaki Ade Sofolarin and Ailie Macadam Ziad Ramba Sokiri and Connie Suen Annia Spiliopoulos Peter and Catherine Stage Robert Stallard and Anu Pohani Adrian and Suresha Steele Daniel Tulu and Sara Teklu Walter and Adela Tsang Severa von Wentzel Marcus and Sally Warren Christopher and Maud Watson Jean-Baptiste and Claudine Wautier Nicola Weatherhead Florence Wellington Andrew and Lori West Timothy and Sara West Noel and Kate Williams Meriam Wilson Nicholas and Penny Xanders Vlad Yatsenko and Keamo Mangope Jiyoung Yoon and Youngho Youn Roslyn Shaw John Sheldon Jonathan and Fiona Shelton
Ben Turnbull James Turner Anil Veall Richard Wilkes James Young
Friends Andrea Castro Catia Dal Poz Viviane Edgley Brian Green
2000-2009 Charles Bagley Teddy Barron Keval Chandarana Tanawin Charoen-Rajapark Dr Tommy Gorgy Jack Hellewell The Hutton-Mills Family Charles Jackson Daniel Jackson Krzysztof Kozak Dr Alexander Langley Jintao Liu Edward McCarthy Christopher Owen Opeyemioluwa Runsewe Dr Simon Sprague Lukasz Strozek Siim Tammesalu Dimitri Umnov Dr Rubin Xu Dr Pawel Zaczkowski
James Greenhill Jennifer Hocknell Stephan Madsen
Stefan Rogge Jianhua Shao
Merrill Spencer Dmitry Yashnikov
Organisations Astarte Capital Partners LLP BlackRock DKK Partners Ltd Dulwich College Boat Club Association Dulwich College Political Economic Review
Friends of Dulwich College Old Alleynian Association The London Medal Club
Daniel and Sarah McKimm Tony and Sarita McKinlay The Mendenhall Family
Trusts and Foundations Arkwright Scholarships Trust HMCK Charity OA Lodge The Crane Charitable Giving Trust The Dulwich Estate
2010-2019 Mingyuan Chen Hammad Jeilani Andrew Moss Chris Ng Filip Twarowski
Marc Meyohas and Fiona Bembridge Prof Michel and Dr Thoraya Michaelides Marco and Ines Mohwinckel Christian Molyneux Lyons and Dr Nilu Vajpeyi Rory Mullan KC and Diya Mullan KC
Jay Ze and Beverly Tong Jiusuo Zi and Lin Dang Staff and former staff Fiona Angel Stephen Burton Byron Hoo Matt Jarrett Laura Jones Ged and Sian Keogh-Peters Paul Keyte
The Franey Foundation The Gerald Patrick Trust The Karia Foundation The London Freemasons Charity The Peter de Somogyi Memorial Trust The Worshipful Company of Actuaries Charity The Worshipful Company of International Bankers The Worshipful Company of Pewterers
2020-2029 Michael Abayomi Zelalemawee Asheber Michael Andrew Ramba Yat Long Suen- Sokiri
Scott and Dr Jane Murray William and Miranda Nevin Chris Ng and Vikki Shen Dominik and Magdalena Ogidel Joachim and Graziela Ogland Robert and Karen Ottey Pavlos Papachristos and Maria Konstantopoulou
Parents and past parents Suresh and Meranto Abboodass Adesegun and Olayemi Adeyemi Frank and Rita Adom
The Canon Carver Society
Leaving a legacy is one of the greatest gifts you will ever make. Dulwich College is honoured to be remembered by so many Old Alleynians and family members who have chosen to give back by contributing to the education of future generations of Alleynians. The following list includes all members of the Canon Carver Society, both past and present.
David Walker Brig Johnny Walker OBE DL Dr Martin Walker Terry Walsh John Walters Ivor Warburton Peter Ward Jean-Baptiste and Claudine Wautier Robert Weaver David Webster OBE Robert West Roger Westbrook CMG Clive Whitbourn Dr Michael and Jane White Anthony Williams Eileen Willis John Wiltshire Nicholas Winter The Revd Beresford D R Wood Paul Woods
Alan Finlay Dirk FitzHugh Graham Foote Peter Franklin Angus Freathy
Pauline Jones David and Meinir Jowett Dr Niloy Karia Raymond Keene OBE Michael Kirkman Roger Knight OBE Tom and Rebecca Lawrence Will Lewis Vaughan Lilley Cdr David Lingard John Lovering CBE Jacqui MacDonald-Davis JP Ralph Mainard Stuart Martin Nigel Massey John Massingham CMG Alfred May John and Triona Mayhew Hugh McDonald Dr Hector J F McLean CBE
Graham Able Dr Faheem Ahmed Derek Akers Dr John Amis Warwick Armstrong Chris Austen Neil Austin
The Revd Ronald Casebow Roger Chadder Hazel Chapman John Chapman Keith Chaundy Jonathan Choat George Churchill CBE Brian Clark Sir Robert and Lady Evelyn Clarke John Cloux Sydney and Jean Cole Dr Geoffrey Cook Nick Cosh Brian Coulton OBE Cdr Graham Creedy LVO RN Peter Cremin
Christopher Poulton Edgar Price Peter Rees HHJ Michael Rich KC The Rt Hon Sir Colin Rimer Antony Rowbotham Chris and Susan Rowe Nick Rundle David Shapland Bruce Shilstone Michael Shirley David Skinner Robert Smith CMG Peter Snowdon John and Anne Sowton Anthony Spain Patrick and Merrill Spencer Denis and Veronica Spink Michael Stone Kenneth and Mary Stoneley Ronald Stratton Dale McDonald Sumner Ralph Sutton Howard Tate Nicholas Tatman Barry Taylor Irving and Maureen Teitelbaum
Col Keith Galbraith Godfrey Garrett OBE
Jeremy Baker Geoffrey Ball Douglas Bartlett Dr Richard Bassett Christopher and Mary Batten John Battersby Bernard Battley David and Marion Baxter Sir Peter Bazalgette Vivian Bazalgette Kenneth and Marjorie Beales Philip Beaven The Revd Horace Bedloe Prof John Beeston The Revd Dr Colin Beevers Robert Bembridge David Bethell Ian Birdseye Timothy Birse Reginald Bliss Ronald and Diana Blythe
Kenneth Garrod Anthony Gedge Anthony Gibbs Edgar and Muriel Gilbert Air Commodore Peter Giles OBE Ian Gilliver Revd David Gooday Donald Goodsell Jeremy and Janet Gotch
Basil and Enid Cridland The Rev Dr Keith Cripps Edward Cross Robert Davidson Robert Deakin Leslie Dean David Destefano Peter and Sheila Dorey Sir Peter Duffell KCB CBE Dr David Dunlop Nigel Dunsmore-Rouse James Dyer Peter and Viviane Edgley
Cmdr Bob Grainger Christopher Gravatt Alan Gregory CBE David Hall Jim Hammer CB Anne Hanson Brian Harfoot John Harper Russell Harper Michael Hart Peter Hart Prof David Harvey Tim Havenhand Ian Hay Davison CBE Ronald Hickson
Prof Bob Michell William Mitchell The Revd Canon John Mockford and Reverend Betty Mockford Ronnie Moos Alan Morgan William Morgan Jack Morrison Dr Peter Mudge Peter Munson Dr Colin Niven OBE Palmes Académiques
Brian Thomas Neil Thompson Graham Thorne Gerald and Ann Thornton David Thornton Professor Sir Bryan Thwaites Prof Andrew Tomkins OBE John Trotter Dr Dan Tunstall Pedoe Lord Andrew Turnbull KCB CVO and Lady Diane Turnbull The Venerable Robin Turner CB DL Wilfred Tyson Philip Virgo Michael Wade
Richard Bolton Richard Booth John Boulding Dr Michael Boyes Professor C D Broad
Christopher Edwards Dr Adam Eisenhauer David Elford Susan Ellicott Brian Ellis MBE Carl Emmerich David Emms OBE
Norman Hocknell Michael Holmes Kenneth Hopper Nick Howe Peter Humphrey Brig Anthony Hunter-Choat OBE Ian Hunter-Craig Derek Hyams
Peter Niven Bruce Noble John and Margarita Noble John Norton Richard Norton
Patrick Brown David Burden William Burghes and Whitney Smith Stephen Burton John Bushby Michael Bushby Leonard Butler Michael and Sheila Calder The Very Revd Dr Wesley Carr KCVO
Tom Owens Bob Parker Richard Pearse Keith Penfold Barry Phelps Dr Peter Pompa
Alan Evans Alex Evans
David Ewings Peter Fewtrell Christopher Field Marshall Field CBE
Robert Jackman Thomas Jessop John Jones
There are many ways to get involved
Leave a gift in your will Once you have taken care of your loved ones, we would be most grateful if you considered leaving a gift to Dulwich College. Find out more here: Become a Volunteer We appreciate all support from our community, including volunteering your time and expertise. Please contact the Development Office if you would like to learn more.
Join the Gilkes Circle The Gilkes Circle is a unique giving community of entrepreneurs - company owners, founders and directors - who have made ongoing commitments to fund our access work by donating a percentage of their company profits (or in the case of our young founders, a percentage of a future exit event). We host regular breakfasts to bring together like-minded individuals to hear from keynote speakers, network, and ultimately discuss how businesses can achieve tangible social impact. If you’re interested in joining or hearing more, please contact Matt Jarrett, Director of Development via email
Donate to Bursaries Give the gift of education. Find out more about bursaries here:
Donate to Partnerships Support our partnership work and help us make a positive impact on our community! Find out more here:
As former bursary recipient, Arese Joe-Oshodi (2018-20) says:
“Just a small donation can quite literally change the course of a life. And by changing the course of one life, you change the course of countless lives because that’s how life works.”
On behalf of the entirety of the College, thank you for your generosity. Every and any donation, no matter its size, makes a difference.
Thank you for helping
to change lives
“Thanks to your support, we are ensuring that bright, talented students from all backgrounds have the chance to thrive at Dulwich College. Together, we’re providing not just an education, but a foundation for leadership, achievement and lifelong impact.”
Fiona Angel, Acting Master
DULWICH COLLEGE Dulwich Common, London, SE21 7LD Telephone: +44 (0)20 8299 5335 Email: Web: Registered Charity No 1150064
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