"When God controls the inner man, we have no trouble with the. outer man." * * * "The millionaires in eternity are the givers of time/' "Blessings in Disguise" In illustration of the expression, “blessings in disguise,” we wish to highlight it with a bit from a bio graphical sketch of a great man — Ludwig von Beethoven. We wonder if you have a real un derstanding of “blessings in disguise.” For instance, did you know that the brilliant composer Beethoven lived in constant fear of losing his hearing. He despaired so greatly that no one could help him in his emotional conflict. He could not bear the thought of total deafness and its meaning to him in the world of music, although he could write wonderful melodies to in spire others. His deafness continued to increase. Finally, he realized that God alone could give him the strength to go on despite the overwhelming handicap. It was only after final deafness was upon him that Beethoven wrote his grandest music. When he became shut apart from the distractions of the world, new melodies and harmonies flooded in upon him as fast as he could write. God had given him songs in the night! It may be that some burden is op pressing your spirit. Remember that Christ carries that burden for you in His grace. Can you, unafraid, go to your Lord and place that burden with Him, absolutely taking your hands off it? * * * "The Bible is to look through, not just to look at." * * * "It doesn't take much knack to merely knock." 14 h * *
tion, such as the United States could take over Cuba within a few days, but Russia would immediately go into West Berlin, and so America has a distress ing situation. Such problems are com mon to all the other nations of the earth. Then the Lord says, “. . . the roar ing of the sea and the billows.” That is the nations in their agitation will be as the surging sea in the grip of a storm. Our Lord continues to say that be cause of this thing men’s hearts will fail them in fear, and the powers of
Dr. Tcdbot, Biota’s beloved Chancellor. h e a v e n shall be shaken. I think the powers of heaven there represent Satan and all of his fallenangels which Paul says are now in heavenly places, that is, in the first and second heavens. That is why Paul tells us in Ephesians to “Put on the whole armour of God . . . for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principali ties, against powers in high places.” After the church is translated, the Devil and all his host will be cast down to this earth. This is vividly described in other portions of the Word of God. The Devil will come down, having great wrath, knowing that his time is short, and the great finale is in the concluding verse, “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory!”
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