how do you LOVE? / a parapbase of I Cor. 13 Though in the glamour of the pub lic eye l sway the emotions of men by my oratory, or by my silver sing ing, or by my skillful playing and then go home and gripe because sup per is late, or because my clothes were not made to suit me, I am be come as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.
name and fame of a martyr by giving my body to be burned, and yet close up like a clam at home, or behave like a snapping turtle, knowing noth ing of the glory of giving myself in unstinted, self-denying service to those nearest and dearest, it profiteth me nothing. Love is never rude, seeks not her own; nor fights for her own rights, is never resentful; never imagines that others are plotting evil against her. Love never broods over wrongs; never exults over the mistakes of others; but is truly gladdened by goodness. Love suffers silently, is always trustful, always cheerful, always pa tient. And now abideth faith, hope and love . . . but the greatest of these is love in the home . . . or mutual love for one another and a growing love for the Saviour.
And though / am able to impress others with my vast knowledge of the deep things of the Word of God, and though 1 am able to accomplish mighty things through faith so that 1 become famous among men as a remover of mountains, and have not love that reads the deep longings of the hearts around the family circle, and removes the barriers that grow up in shy and tender hearts, I am nothing at all. And though in the glamour of pub lic praise I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though 1 win the
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