Q. A San Diego Listener writes, “At what age should a child be baptized?” A . There is a wide divergence of views as to what age a child should be bap tized. If one is in great concern about it, they should consult with their pas tor if hie is a Bible-believing, Bible- preaching minister, and follow with him in the way the Lord leads. May I say that our four schools do not take one position and have all conform to that one, because evangelical, funda mental folk do differ. I can only express my own opinion and indicate what we did in our home with our three children. I do not think it is the norm. I would say that the child should be baptized at that time when the child has some concept of the love of the Lord Jesus Christ in dying for that one on Calvary’s Cross. I do not mean that the child must possess all the theological implications. But it is amazing how early a child can sense something of the love of God in Christ. When that reckoning is reached, ofttimes a child will volun tarily ask for baptism realizing that it is a public testimony of his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Q. From Redding, California, we have this inquiry: “Who are the two wit nesses in Revelation 3? Will they be Elijah and Enoch? These two did not die but were translated.” A. There are some very fine Bible teachers who feel that Enoch and Eli
jah are the two witnesses of Revela tion, and for the reason stated in your question. I, myself, not dogmatically, I as there is not too much on which to base the conclusion, would say that I ! think the evidence, such as it is, would I lean to Moses and Elijah. I The passage indicates that “these two have the power to shut the heaven, that it rain not during the days of their prophecy . . .” That is verse 6 of Reve lation 11. That was exactly the power given by God to Elijah in the time of I Ahab. Then God entrusted Moses with the miracle of turning the waters into blood. That was the first miracle with which God entrusted him. So I would j vote for Moses and Elijah. Q. In Klamath Falls there is one who would like to know what was the mark I on Cain—Genesis 4:15? Are we given I any indication of that? I A. No, there is not one single intima- j tion given there or elsewhere what that j mark was. Incidentally, we do not j know what the mark is in the Book of ( the Revelation, chapter 13. But we I know that it was visible in Genesis 4. I It will be visible in Revelation 13. I They are for specific purposes. We do I know there were certain marks of the j glorious ones with reference to the Apostle Paul. He suffered for the sake I of Christ and he bore marks on his I body. But what the mark of Cain was, I we do not know. It was visible and it j
meant he was not to be killed. 20
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