Christ on Calvary. There is all the dif ference in the world between religion and Christianity. NOTE: Several years ago we had a series of messages on Evolution and it was printed in book form. We probably have a few left and if you would like to write in for one we shall be happy to send it to you. Q. A friend from Yakima, Washington is greatly interested in this question If a person cannot see his way clear to accept God during his life but is a kind and cheerful person who has for mulated arguments against the exist ence of a Supreme Being—what will be his lot after his life is terminated? A. My friend, I wish I had some com fort here, but God’s Word plainly re veals what is necessary for salvation and I must say that such an individual is lost if he refuses to accept the Lord Jesus Christ in this life regardless of how kind and cheerful he may be. He is lost as any other unbeliever. Q. From up San Francisco way comes a question on this wise: Can you be in different concerning God? Must you either love Him or hate Him? A. God tells us that, he that is not with me is against me. Those are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no middle ground. You are either for Him or against Him; you are with Him or by your indifference you are opposing Him. This opposition is in reality, a lack of respect or hatred of Him. John, the Apostle, certainly stated it simply when he said, “He that believeth on Him is not condemned, but he that be lieveth not is condemned already . . .” Q. A word of explanation is requested from San Bernardino on this question. What will happen to those who have never heard or had the opportunity of hearing the Gospel? A. I wish we could say something other than that which we are going to say. 21
Q. In I Cor. 15:52 we read, of “the last trump.” The verse states: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” In Rev. 11:15 we read of the seventh trumpet. Is the last trump the same as the seventh trump? A. Some Bible teachers would have us believe this is so. However, I do not believe it is necessary to identify these trumpets as one and the same. If that were true, it would put the rapture of the church somewhere near the middle of the tribulation period. Other Scrip tures indicate plainly that the rapture occurs before the tribulation period be gins. There are several places in the Scriptures where we read of God’s judg ments being introduced by a trumpet. Certainly not all of them have refer ence to the same event. Q. A listener from Bend, Oregon wants to know, should the Genesis account of of creation be accepted as a literal fact? A. Absolutely, positively, without any question of a doubt, the Genesis account of creation is a literal fact, as is all of the Book of Genesis. Q. Can Darwin's Theory of Evolution be reconciled with religion? A. I want you to pay particular atten tion to the answer that I will give to this. To this question my reply is that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution can be reconciled with “religion.” But Dar win’s Theory of Evolution can in no way, whatsoever, be reconciled with Christianity. I presume that the ques tioner meant Christianity when he used the term religion. However, we draw a very fine line of distinction between religion and Christianity. Re ligion has been pictured as man groping and reaching out after God, but Chris tianity is represented by God reaching down to man and drawing him to Him self through the death of the Lord Jesus
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