HansenMillennium Technical Details - English

HansenGroup is dedicated to meeting the highest demands for energy performance in windows. Our designs prioritize energy efficiency to provide a comfortable indoor environment while minimizing energy con- sumption and costs. Over the years, we have been involved in a wide range of projects which have obtai- ned certifications such as DGNB, LEED and BREEAM. We have a longstanding tradition of active- ly collaborating with designers to identify and implement solutions that promote po- sitive change and improve the overall im- pact of our practices. This includes the selection of materials, indoor climate and working environment, and energy savings focus during construc- tion process of minimizing waste. HansenGroup employees, through their personal qualities and competencies, con- tribute to our ability to efficiently adapt the process and production towards energy ef- ficient construction.

We can, upon request, provide our Hansen- Millennium windows and doors in recycled aluminum or low-emission aluminum from our supply chain. Glass and aluminum are generally recycled and our regular waste collection partner is environmentally certified.

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