Voice for Wetlands and Water



Water Sector Governance

From Source to Homes

Nanyuki Water and Sewerage Company (NAWASCO) is an autonomous company responsible for water and sewerage services in

Payment tariffs are structured such that those who use a lot of water attract higher rates. This is aimed at discouraging wastage and protecting the poor and vulnerable. The decline of water volumes in rivers upstream is attributed to global warming and destruction of the forests. In the dry seasons, pastoralists drive their cattle to the Company’s water intake points, further compromising the integrity of the catchment. Forest fires up Mt Kenya also discolour the water and escalate treatment costs. NAWASCO is a member of several WRUAs which it supports through subscriptions, technical advice, water abstraction fees and tree seedlings donations to protect river banks. The Company also works with the Laikipia County Health Office to ensure that untreated wastewater is not discharged into water resources. The Company’s ability to provide quality water for urban residents is hinged on the protection of the catchment.

Frank Wandia in charge of Water Quality and M&E NAWASCO

Nanyuki and parts of Nyeri and Meru counties. It caters for a population of 120,000 people spread over 286 Km² and manages 15,000 water connections and 5,000 sewer connections. Those who access Company water are required to have standard septic tanks for evacuation of waste. Unfortunately, some polluters discharge waste into rivers at night to avoid investing in sewerage facilities such as septic tanks. Runoff from farms and garages also contribute to river pollution. NAWASCO’s main source of water is River Likii from which over 14,000 cubic metres of water is pumped daily. During the January to March dry season when water volumes drop, abstraction is normally cut by half to enable the communities downstream to access water. A six-month bulk water storage facility has been planned to counter this challenge.

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