Voice for Wetlands and Water



onboard and fully engage and involve the County Health Department in WASH activities,” states Shaaban. Shaaban also believes water governance programmes can be more effective through a coordinated platform that enables collaboration based on individual strengths for bigger impacts.

Going forward, one area that still requires focus is the policy and legal framework for water governance. “We need the rules refined better to make the linkages between the national government, counties and WRUAs seamless to avoid duplicating efforts. Counties, for instance, can allocate resources to WRUAs if the legal system is changed,” says Shaaban.

Political will is also instrumental in creating sustainability in the water sector so that communities are not left with projects that they can’t manage on their own. Better collaboration between CSOs and government agencies is also required - Ashah Shaaban.

Kajiado and Laikipia counties are dotted with seasonal rivers

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