Voice for Wetlands and Water



Lobbying and advocacy are, unfortunately, built around relationships and can be disrupted by frequent transfers of key county government staff. The feeling among stakeholders, therefore, was that WRUAs would be more efficient and better resourced if they were anchored within county governments as a matter of policy so that their planned activities are reflected within County Integrated Development Plans. This is critical because it would assure sustainability for water projects and avail resources, particularly for the poorly resourced downstream communities of Laikipia and Kajiado where water is scarcest yet their WRUAs appear to be the weakest. To mitigate this weakness, the volunteer role of WRUAs and their officials needs to be re-examined and resources availed to them by the government because of the critical roles they play in WRM. For accountability, these funds should be tied to performance contracts by respective WRUAs.

Ironically, stakeholders and public-private partnerships appeared to congregate upstream where water users are better resourced, and not downstream where their leverage is needed most. This calls for stronger multi-stakeholder platforms that can view the water basin as one entity to help marginalised WRUAs identify and cultivate funding sources. It is, however, worth noting that whereas Basin Water Resources Committees are anchored in law, not once were they mentioned during the field visits, suggesting poor awareness, inefficacy or weak linkages with WRUAs. The WRUA Council appears to step into the void but lacks the political credibility and power associated with legally recognised institutions. Lack of awareness was also recognised as a hindrance toward effective water governance. For instance, most water users neither subscribe membership to WRUAs local associations nor pay fees as they are not aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Fetching water from Olchoro Springs in Nalepo, Kajiado County

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