11151721 Level III Training Book.pdf


Cybersecurity – How to Control Your Risk? Password # of users using it (AM) 123456 120511 12345 48452 password 39448 123456789 26620 qwerty 20778 12345678 14172 abc123 10869 1234567 9468 ashley 8793 baseball 7710 111111 7048 1234567890 6572

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Cybersecurity – Insider Threats Users may have an understanding of the risks, but lack training to address them. • What do you do if you receive a phishing email? • What is a “bad password”? • How do you recognize social engineering?

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Cybersecurity – Malicious Insiders In July of 2015, Eddie Tipton, was convicted of manipulating the lottery selection process to win a $14.3 million dollar lottery jackpot. Eddie Tipton was the Information Security Director at the time the crime was perpetrated. Tipton has subsequently been charged with rigging other drawings, going all the way back to 2005.

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