11151721 Level III Training Book.pdf


Decision Makers Make Better Decisions when they

Understand that the Decision is Subject to Judicial Review

The Assurance of Due Process Increases Public Confidence in the Government and its Processes

Judicial Review Serves as an Important Check Against Abuses of Power

Principles of Oversight

Judicial Review Serves as a Check Against Error, Bias, Poor Judgment in Decisionmaking, Misapplication of Law, and Misconduct

Judicial Review Serves to Ensure the Proper Interpretation and Application of the Law


Strengthens the Regulatory Framework

Improves Regulatory Effectiveness

Advances Statutory Objectives

ToTrust and Support…

Decreases the Potential for Conflict and Power Struggles

Encourages Sound Decisionmaking

Advances theTribal Interest

Increases Political Stability

Represents Half of the Equation



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