MATERIALS Meaningful Materials Eau Palm Beach Resort & Spa prioritizes the use of sustainable materials throughout the guest experience: Dental and shaving kits used at the resort are thoughtfully made from 100% biodegradable straw plastic, showcasing a commitment to responsible materials. Within meeting rooms, Eau Palm Beach promotes eco-friendly practices by providing reusable glass water bottles instead of single-use plastic options. Guest room key bracelets are made from sustainable materials, reducing plastic waste while maintaining convenience for guests. Tablecloths in event and dining spaces are crafted from eco-friendly fabrics, reinforcing the resort’s dedication to sustainability at every touchpoint. Eco-friendly laundry bags are within guest rooms as a more environmentally conscious alternative. This initiative is in line with the overarching goal of significantly decreasing plastic waste throughout the entire property. The introduction of a monthly ordering strategy has effectively reduced delivery frequency, thereby minimizing the environmental impact associated with transportation.
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