Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Eau Palm Beach Resort & Spa places a strong emphasis on recycling throughout the property. Recycling bins are thoughtfully placed in various areas throughout the property. The resort also proactively reuses packaging materials received with deliveries when sending outgoing packages. Eau Palm Beach operates a sustainable discard program focused on repurposing items identified by their linen service or found in unsuitable conditions for regular use. These items, like linens and opened or damaged soaps, undergo careful sorting, with salvageable items earmarked for donation. On-site, the team diligently evaluates these items to determine the selection for donation centers, which can include women's shelters, animal rescue organizations, and other local entities. Donation recipients vary based on specific needs, with the resort actively reaching out to local groups to offer assistance when necessary. Eau Spa Eau Spa has taken significant eco-conscious measures by eliminating single-use plastic in shower and vanity areas and reducing plastic water bottles with water from a dispenser infused with the energy of Crystals from Vita Jewel.
The implementation of Clean Republic cleaners has reduced the dependence on bleach, creating a healthier environment for esteemed guests.
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