Board Converting News, December 16, 2024

The Linpac Legacy (CONT’D FROM PAGE 26)

it went down, I was the only one who was able to take orders by hand and then schedule them on the machine, which was a very proud moment for me.” Meador was quickly promoted to Sales Manager and was ably filling that role for about five years when Linpac’s controller asked her to “switch careers” from Sales to Ac- counting. Linpac paid for her to go back to school for two years to learn accounting. “I started as a receptionist and moved up the ranks

south. “I had nothing holding me down and Kathleen and I knew eventually we would get married, so I said ‘sure’ and now it’s 40 years later,” he said. “It was after we got our of- fice systems automated that we began to look at the major work involved in automating the corrugator.” Cindy Meador interviewed with Nigel in 1981 for a job at Linpac’s new Greensboro fa- cility three months before the corrugator went in. “I’d been a bank teller when a man came into the bank and said he was opening a corrugator plant and would anyone like a job. I went for an interview, met Nigel, and got a job as a receptionist,” she remembered. “After the inter- view, the first thing I did was call my father and ask him what corrugated was. I didn’t know! “What I recall is that when fax machines first came out, we bought them for our customers so they could use them instead of calling in their orders. This was a new and unique thing. I had been taking over 100 orders a day in the phone by hand, a lot of them between the hours of three and five o’clock for customers who wanted their box- es the next day. Later on, when we had a Kiwi system and Cindy Meador

because Linpac was an ‘equal opportunity’ employer, which allowed me and other strong women like Sherri Gar- land-Clemmer and Kathryn Bamer to thrive,” Meador said. “I ended my career as the com- pany controller and worked for Nigel until the Greensboro plant was shut down on my 51st birthday in 2008, when they

Sherri Garland-Clemmer

ran the last shift. It broke my heart.” It was at Linpac that Cindy met the love of her life, a beautiful man name Charlie, who was the third truck driver Linpac hired back in 1981 and who sadly, passed away sev- en years ago. Charlie will always be remembered as being part of the Linpac family. “I couldn’t ask for more from Linpac. It was a great ca-



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