Learn | Issue 5 Fall 2021


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Glendo LLC. Although the highest care has been taken to make the information contained in “Learn” as accurate as possible, neither Glendo LLC nor the authors can accept responsibility for damage of any nature resulting from the use of the information within. © Glendo LLC 2021 with Buddy Austin, owner and artist behind Third Eye Assembly, study Law & Border with Diane Scalese, plus inspiration, tips, and more! We’re sure you’ll fall for the articles in this newest issue of Learn! In this issue, you will find a Q&A LEARN DEDICATED TO THE BENCH ARTIST We l come back to

CONTRIBUTORS Learn magazine wouldn’t be possible without our awesome contributors! If you have an idea for an article, tips or techniques you’d like to share, or just want to send us some photos of your latest work, please email GRS at creative@glendo.com.

Buddy Austin studied art from a young age and discovered that he gravitated towards creating small-scale, meticulously detailed pieces. In 2008, wire wrapping became his artistic medium of choice. In 2010, Buddy attended North Seattle Community College to add to his skillset. He continued to expand his knowledge by attending several courses at the GRS Training Center and the New Approach School. Buddy brings together his expertise in wire wrapping, mineralogy fabrication, stone setting, engraving, casting, and wax carving to create fine jewelry, fashion jewelry, and festival jewelry. He feels very fortunate to say that his passion is also his profession and appreciates the many life experiences that have brought him to this point.

Buddy Austin Third Eye Assembly, page 04


Diane Scalese has been building and engraving bits, spurs, trophy belt buckles, saddle silver, and jewelry for over 30 years. Scalese has previously held the title of Engraver of the Year by the Academy of Western Artists. Her engraving style is traditional Western bright cut, but she adds techniques such as bulino, flare cut, and many firearms engraving styles for a result that is both traditional and attractively fresh at the same time. This difference helps her students develop and expand their own styles. Diane is passionate about teaching, which her students notice right away. She has taught at the GRS Training Center for over 20 years now.

Diane Scalese Law & Border, page 14



2021 FALL

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