Gardens Dental Care - January/ February 2020


We now have texting to our front desk team available on our website: 561-529-4655

Never Settle for Less Than Your Best

of our offices, hiring the best team members to join us, and continuing ongoing education to make sure we’re providing the best services never stopped once we started. My team and I were fully committed from day one and even expanded our hours of operation for the convenience of our patients. I couldn’t be prouder of my team and all their hard work, and I am so grateful for all the wonderful patients we serve every day. But working with the mindset to do more than “just okay”means you have to be willing to sacrifice other parts of your life until you get there. Spending a lot of time in the office, then dedicating time at home to focus on family, meant that I had to step away for a time from things like serving our church and additional hobbies. But one of the hardest things for me to give up was the game of golf. I immensely enjoyed both the precise focus of playing the game and the pure relaxation of being out on the course. It was always a great way to spend an afternoon. Now that Robin and I have been empty nesters for about five years, I’ve been able to commit more time to doing some of the things I wasn’t able to do previously. I can help set up church each Sunday, and I’ve been able to get back to golfing after nearly a decade of being away. My love of the game was reinvigorated when I finally stepped back onto the course, but there was a new passion that accompanied it, as well. I’ve realized that my desire to be more than “just okay” doesn’t end with dentistry. Now that I’m back to playing golf, I’m reading all I can about the game, watching as many instructional and informational videos online as I’m able to, and I’ve even scheduled time with a coach to help me fine- tune my technique. I can’t wait to play in a tournament with my father- in-law, something we did more than two decades ago. I plan on putting everything I can into my golf game, just as I have and will continue to do with everything else in my life. If there’s anything the past decade has taught me, it’s that I should always strive to make sure life is more than “just OK.” If you’re going to put any time and energy into doing anything, then you’ve got to put your whole heart into it. Otherwise, you risk a lackluster experience along the way, and where does that leave you when you come to the end of it? Whether you’re working hard to build a business, serve your community, or perfect your swing, always put 110% into it. Here’s to another exciting decade of chasing after the things we want with all we’ve got and never taking our eyes off the ball. –Dr. David Yates

Have you seen those AT&T commercials lately about choosing a wireless provider that doesn’t make you settle for “just OK”? It’s a genius campaign that pointed out how we’d never choose a doctor, an accountant, or even a skydiving instructor who was “just okay,” so why do so with anything else? When we began Gardens Dental Care nearly a decade ago, my intent had a lot in common with the message in that commercial. I wanted to build a practice that was the best it could possibly be, not something that was “just okay.”

Building something great takes a lot of time, energy, and dedication. Putting the necessary systems in place, expanding the physical layout

Gardens Dental Care • 561-529-4655



According to a recent survey by the American International Group (AIG), a majority of Americans over the age of 65 don’t know much about the myriad financial scams circling the globe. Reports show that ignorance of these scams has proven costly for the 65-plus crowd, who are the most frequently targeted demographic. IS IT LOVE? One common shakedown taking seniors and retirees for a ride is the online romance scam. As part of it, a person poses as a potential date or romantic partner and engages in a fake relationship with the victim. The scam usually starts with an online or web-based dating service and progresses to texting or talking over the phone, but it always stops short of an in-person meeting. Instead, after the scammer has gained the trust of their victim, they’ll claim there’s been some kind of emergency for which they need money fast. The clueless victim usually offers to wire them the money. In many cases, the scammer will continue asking for money for as long as they can get away with it. Then, once the victim figures they’ve been bamboozled and try to retaliate, the scammers vanish — off to find their next target. Protect Yourself and Your Money

DID YOU PAY? Another prevalent rip-off is the invoice scam. Again, AIG reports that about 57% of people aged 65-plus aren’t familiar with this sham. In most cases, the victim receives a phone call or email from a representative of a local company, who says they still owe money for a bill or service. For example, the scammer may tell the victim they owe an overdue $50 for their power bill. If the victim says they’ve already paid, the scammer might respond, “Your payment didn’t process correctly.”The crook’s job is to get the victim to relent and pay up. Then, once they’ve been paid, usually via credit card number or wire transfer, the scammer once again vanishes along with a significant portion of someone’s bank account. Scammers want your money, but if you are aware of today’s hustles, you can better protect yourself and your assets. Luckily, AIG also found that nearly 92% of the 65-plus crowd now ignores phone calls, texts, and emails that request personal information, and 89% of these folks say they avoid clicking links from unknown senders. Be vigilant and remember that if someone calls you and demands personal information over the phone or asks you to wire money, there’s a very good chance it’s a scam.


Julio V. Glenda S. Judy B. Leah W. Gail H. Lauren W.

Nancy F. Dalton B. Terry K. Jesse Jones Kylee Alvarez Libardo D. Natty D. Kathleen H. Michael G. Gino V. Lyudmyla V. Damanjit Y.

Michael H. Thomas F. Natalie M. Mark G. AndrewW. Heather Y. Gail C. Alex E. Chelsea P. Piotr P. Peter S. Michael F.

Zachary M. Roberline M. Rudy G. Joseph W. Gertrude P. Sally T.

Thirugnanam G. Antonio P. Janet D. John F. Pamela K. Kim K. Daniella G. Ariel S. Rosemarie R. Nabil C. Bernard L. Joseph R.

Joseph H. Mitesh P. Grant H. Dinah S. Simona T. Lanie T. Jeannie B. Paul C. Laura S. Sophia B. Daililah M. Daniel W.

Nadine I. Carmen O. Xuan Z. Heath N. Claudete F.

Alexis F. Lorna H. Davey H. Roxane K. Wolfgang G. Aubrey K. Amara Fleming L.

Melanie T. Mattie M. Jackie W. Sharon H. Diane B. Blythe B.


Mike D. Nathalie L

Lauri M. Michael V.

Steven M. Dan W. Ben C. Kathy N. Paulette T.

Keisha C. Thomas L. Nancy H.

Gwen M. Jackie W.

Sonia Y. Laura L. Justin R.

Lene M. Emily B. Benjamin R.

Anne C. Diane B.


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Apple Cider Chicken and Brussels Sprouts

Good NEWS “And theWord became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we sawHis glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

Inspired by Food Network


4 boneless chicken breasts

1 lb Brussels sprouts, halved

1 tsp rosemary leaves, finely chopped

2 gala apples, cut into wedges

1 red onion, cut into wedges

2 tbsp butter, divided

2 sprigs rosemary

2/3 cup apple cider

2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste


Heat oven to 450 F.


Word Out! Get the “I love this place! Everyone is friendly and I totally trust Dr. Yates 100%. Exceptionally clean, and they can do crowns the same day.” –Caroline M. 2. On a baking sheet, toss Brussels sprouts, apples, onion, and rosemary sprigs in olive oil, salt, and pepper. 3. Roast vegetable and fruit mixture until tender, about 25–30 minutes, flipping halfway. 4. Season chicken with salt, pepper, and chopped rosemary. 5. In an ovenproof skillet, heat 1 tbsp butter. Add chicken and cook 6 minutes on one side. Flip and cook 2 more minutes. 6. Pour cider onto chicken. Roast in the oven for 12 minutes. Remove chicken from skillet and let it rest on cutting board. 7. Return skillet to stove on medium-high and simmer sauce until reduced by half. 8. Swirl remaining 1 tbsp of butter with vinegar, salt, and pepper. Slice chicken and divide among plates with roasted vegetables and serve.

If you enjoyed this newsletter, pass it along! If you refer us a new patient, you’ll receive a $50 Visa or American Express gift card !

“I’ve been going to Dr. Yates for the past five years. He and his staff are really friendly, and they have done a nice job to keep my teeth in good condition.” –Robert F.

OUR REFERRAL CONTEST PRIZE IS A GOSLINGS BEAR TRAP PARTY TWO PACK (VALUE: $259) FOR THE HONDA CLASSIC ON SATURDAY, FEB. 29 A Goslings Bear Trap pass provides access to the tournament grounds and into one of the most exciting venues in golf. The impressive marquis offers viewing of not only the 16th hole but also all the action on the signature par 3 17th hole. Refer or review us on social media for your chance to win!

“Excellent service, friendly and helpful staff! Love the evening and Saturday hours, as well, and I highly recommend!” –Renata S.

Did You Know? Submitting a review or checking in and posting on social media qualifies you for an entry into our quarterly patient referral contest!

Gardens Dental Care • 561-529-4655


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Call for an appointment today! 561-529-4655


Ask About Our Whitening for Life Program for just $99

5520 PGA Boulevard, Suite 208 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Inside This Issue

Reaping the Rewards of Hard Work PAGE 1

Apple Cider Chicken and Brussels Sprouts PAGE 3

Don’t Let These Scammers Steal Your Money PAGE 2 Welcome, New Patients! PAGE 2

The Good News PAGE 3

Get the Word Out! PAGE 3

Don’t want our newsletter? No problem! Call 208-297-5700 to unsubscribe from the Gardens Dental Care mailing list.Thanks!

The Legend of the Tooth Worm One of Dentistry’s Strangest Myths

TURNING TO MAGIC AND RITUAL Before modern medical science, people turned to the supernatural to cure their dental issues. After all, the tooth worm was thought to be a semimagical being, so why not fight magic with magic? Some of the less graphic premodern treatments included trying to smoke the worm out by using honey to lure the worm out of the tooth or banishing the evil creature through ceremonial chants.

Toothaches are uncomfortable enough without getting slimy critters involved. However, for the majority of human history, “tooth worms” were believed to be the actual source of toothaches and other oral health issues. Where did this belief come from, why was it so pervasive across cultures, and how did the precursors to modern dentists treat the problem? The answers might surprise you. UNEARTHING THE WORM The first mention of a worm that fed on human teeth can be found in an ancient Babylonian cuneiform inscription. The tale depicts a conversation between a worm and Mesopotamian gods, in which the worm declares,“The blood of the tooth I will suck, and of the gum I will gnaw its roots!”While it is unclear if this inscription was the genesis of the myth, Babylon certainly wasn’t the only place it appeared. WORMING THROUGH HISTORY This hungry little worm appears again in Mayan legends, Sinhalese folk charms, and even 18th-century books on dentistry. How did so many cultures from around the world believe in the same pernicious little creature? One theory suggests premodern dentists removing dental crowns mistook the underlying nerve for the worm. However, more recent research from the University of Maryland Dental School has revealed “wormlike” structures inside molars that could have inspired the myth.

Today, we know tooth worms don’t exist, and our dentists won’t cast any magic

spells on you (we promise). However, every story has a nugget of truth: While much smaller

than worms, bacteria do feed on our tooth enamel. That’s why regular cleanings twice a year are important to keep your smile happy and healthy!


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