Neighborhood Safety

WHAT AMANI WILL DO: Increase neighbors’ willingness to support self, other neighbors, and community to achieve community peace. INDICATOR OF SUCCESS: • Residents report willingness to actively support the achievement of community peace. • Residents report engagement in actively supporting the achievement of community peace. • Residents report engagement in addressing public safety efforts.

‘‘ AARP Wisconsin and partners installed a traffic calming circle at the intersection of N. 25th and W. Locust in October 2023. The team effort was a result of feedback from the neighborhood about excessive car speeds and pedestrian safety issues.


CURBING RECKLESS DRIVING AARP Installs Traffic Circle, Reduces Speeds at Intersection

AARP Wisconsin, in partnership with Amani United, Dominican Center, MilWALKee and City of Milwaukee Dept. of Public Works, installed a traffic calming circle at the intersection of N. 26th and W. Locust in October, 2023. This team effort was a result of feedback from the neighborhood about excessive car speeds and pedestrian safety issues. We’ll be looking forward to updates to the traffic calming circle in 2024! “It really stemmed from a pedes- trian getting hit about a year ago while we were doing a walking tour. He got hit right in front of us. It was awful and the Amani residents said we’re sick of reck- less driving and speeding and we need to do something about it,” said Amber Miller, Associate State Director of Community Outreach for AARP Wisconsin. The neighborhood organizations and Amani residents conducted speed studies both before and after the traffic circle installation and speeds at the intersection have been reduced by 31%.


ACTIVE & SAFE STREETS IN AMANI Dominican Center Engages Amani in Neighborhood Safety

Dominican Center works with residents and partners to iden- tify safety concerns and issues in the community. For example, reckless driving has emerged as a concern and threat to public safety and DC has partnered with others to improve safety for motorists and pedestrians in the neighborhood. In 2023, DC facilitated Amani Active Street programming along 26th Street, the pilot block of the award-winning Block-by-

Block Program, and installed additional signage to promote pedestrian safety. DC also partnered with AARP Wisconsin and other organi- zations to install a temporary traffic calming circle to improve safety on 25th & Locust where an elderly man was struck and injured last year. The tempo- rary structure has worked to decrease speeds by 31%. While the posted limit is 25 MPH, vehicles had gone as fast as 62 miles per hour with 15-20% of

vehicles going 10+ mph above the speed limit. After the circle, the max speed decreased to 36 mph with less than 1% driving 10+mph above the speed limit. However, the temporary struc- ture has been damaged, which underscores the need for a permanent solution.


DC’s organizer also engaged and leveraged communi- ty-based and city-wide resourc- es throughout 2023. On an ongoing basis, the community organizer served as a liaison be- tween the city and community, sharing resources and online tools about how residents can report different problems to the city, like illegal dumping and reckless driving. Reporting is- sues is vital to securing resourc- es to improve neighborhood quality of life and well-being. In 2023, DC’s organizer also fa- cilitated two aldermanic walks/ clean-ups with city officials and helped to coordinate and orga- nize resources and issue-based community meetings. Dominican Center participat- ed in eight Pop-Up Resource Days with area organizations meeting residents in the areas of Amani that have the most foot traffic to bring resourc- es, free lunch and fun. These events also included a clean up of the area beforehand. We also encouraged neigh- borhood participation through two Rock the Block events and our annual Earth Day Clean Up, which brought in more than 50 volunteers. DC facilitated beautification efforts and events, including the annual plant sale Bloom

& Groom. Plants grown at the Center’s Hydroponics plat were sold and donated to residents. In 2023, Dominican Center supported Amani United, the neighborhood’s association, in their monthly Ambassa- dor’s Council safety meetings and attended Amani Crime & Safety meetings. In 2023, Do- minican Center held 33 events and 31 meetings, serving more than 1,667 Amani residents. DC, Amani United, the Amani Youth Council and more part- ners held the Active Streets Safe Trick-or-Treat and Harvest Fest in October. The inagural event was a success, hundreds of Amani residents of all ages came out for safe bike riding

and free candy, food, activi- ties hosted by the AYC, and resources from neighborhood organizations. Lastly, DC supports neighbor- hood safety through our sup- port of our partners’ initiatives. DC participated in the Amani Youth Council’s Annual March Against Violence this summer. Supervisor Priscilla Coggs- Jones was a speaker and an open mic for anyone affected by gun violence in Milwaukee was held.


EXPLORING SAFETY THROUGH ART Safe & Sound Encourage Amani Youth to Use their Voices

Safe & Sound collaborated with the Dominican Center in helping to facilitate the Parental Adviso- ry and #Enough Plays Intergen- erational Talk Back Session. This talk back session was centered around the youth of the Ama- ni neighborhood, birthed out of the desire to allow for their opinions on the subject matter explored in the plays to be dis- cussed and dissected in a man- ner that focuses on the overall safety and empowerment of the youth. The discussion was illu- minating; there was an intergen- erational aspect that occurred organically, which in turn begot plans for more intergeneration- al conversations in the future. There were youth in attendance who provided eye-opening feed- back and simultaneously adults and elders who also chimed in on the conversation. The Parental Advisory play covered censorship, from questioning and interrogat- ing the necessity of it, to its effects on young people. The #Enough play was a series of monologues focused on gun violence, touching on every- thing from the impact of school shootings to hate crime shoot- ings and youth dying at the hands of reckless shootings.

The conversations birthed from these plays at the Talk Back were steeped in profundity and intro- spection, with the young people in attendance looking forward, offering solutions and remedies to problems with censorship and gun violence, with plans on how to curb shootings and how to have their voices amplified and empowered in all spaces. Safe & Sound staff offered a plethora of questions to stir up conversation, stoke meaning- ful debates and to probe for solutions to the many complex problems concerning the youth in the Amani neighborhood. The youth were quick to warm up and jump into the discussion, offering insightful tidbits of wis- dom and working through the questions asked to ensure that every aspect of each question was thoroughly interrogated. Out of this discussion, the topic of desensitization of young peo- ple and shootings, with exam- ples such as one youth mention- ing walking to school, hearing shooting and barely flinching at the sound of nearby gunshots. There were conversations had about censorship, including if and how current music can in-

fluence young people, for better or for worse. The youth in atten- dance were unafraid to speak up on how they felt the issues affect them, exploring everything from local stories of gun violence and how they’d been personally affected to how in enacting cen- sorship, you allow for creativity and, furthermore, creative ex- pression to be stifled. The adults in attendance posed questions and scenarios that called for critical thinking and analysis within the young peo- ple, but they surely were up to task, expressing their thoughts and ideologies on the complex subject matter in ways that were revelatory and profound. The intergenerational talkback experience went so well re- ceived that another such event is already in the works for the upcoming year. Safe & Sound also walked in the March to End Gun Violence over the summer in the Amani neighborhood.


NEIGHBORS SERVING EACH OTHER Amani United Creating Safe Spaces and Residential Blocks

Amani United worked with neighbors and partner orga- nizations to lead initiatives to increase safety in the commu- nity and create spaces where everyone in Amani can be safe. The revitalization and transfor- mation of the former Cawker Park brought a new safe space for residents in Amani. The effort was led by Amani United, Milwaukee Parks, the Dominican Center and Safe & Sound, Inc. The park was transformed with a mural designed by artist Tia Richardson and help from Amani residents, as well as a basketball court makeover by

Richardson and Activate Co. The park also was re-named Al Jarreau Park, after a Mil- waukee-born musician with a vibrant and colorful legacy. “Parks are places where kids can dream and develop their talents, skills, and abilities. Jar- reau’s legacy serves as a model to aspire to, and naming a park for him would introduce him to future generations of Milwau- kee youth,” says the nomina- tion from Amani United. In addition Amani United’s Ambassadors’ Council, or Neighborhood Safety Com- mittee was active in Amani in

2023, holding safety meetings each month after the Amani United 1st Saturday Meeting. Residents comprize the com- mittee, 29 Amani residents serve as Ambassadors, some serving multiple blocks near their home. They are a direct resource to their neighbors, providing information on meetings, events, and availal- be resources.

Education & Family Well-Being

WHAT AMANI WILL DO: Increase family well-being and life-long learning. INDICATOR OF SUCCESS: • Amani Residents serve on decision making teams in neighborhood organizations. • Organizations serving Amani connect with residents that need the services provided. • Amani Residents have access to all services needed to have positive family well-being.

‘‘ [Feeding American Eastern Wisconsin] events opened the doors to families and neighborhood residents in need of additional food resources. These events allowed residents to select the foods that best suit their family’s needs and preferences.


FEEDING AMANI FAMILIES Feeding America Serves 375 Families at Mobile Pantries

For the fourth consecutive sum- mer, Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin partnered with the Dominican Center to organize three mobile food pantries in the heart of the Amani neigh- borhood. Notably, this year’s events witnessed a 40% in- crease in attendance compared to the summer distributions of 2022. A specially designed beverage-style truck, featur- ing sliding doors on the sides, efficiently delivered an array of culturally appropriate and nu- tritious food items, including chicken, beef, eggs, seasonings, collard greens, clementines, and more. Dedicated teams of volunteers, drawn from both the Amani neighborhood and external organizations, worked collaboratively to pack these es- sential items into boxes for the benefit of residents. Across the three events, 375 families were served, with many making the walk to the Dominican Center from nearby housing. On average, each resident re- ceived over 26 pounds of food per visit, equivalent to approxi- mately 22 meals. Beyond pro- viding crucial nutritional sup- port and fun activities like art, games, a bounce house, and a surprise appearance from Ban-

laboration with Auer Avenue School, supported monthly events throughout the school year. Supported by funding from Northwestern Mutual, these events opened the school doors to families and neighborhood residents in need of addition- al food resources. Featuring a guest-choice style mobile pan- try, these events allowed resi- dents to select the foods that best suit their family’s needs and preferences. Lean meats and fresh produce emerged as the most popular items, with both parents and children expressing gratitude for the availability of fresh and healthy food options. In the 2023 calendar year, Auer Avenue’s mobile pantry con- nected residents to over 6,000 meals’ worth of nutritious foods.

go from the Milwaukee bucks, the summer mobile pantries also served as a community fair and resource center. Vendors from many different organi- zations including Children’s Wisconsin, Milwaukee Diaper Mission, and Safe and Sound came to join the fun and extend outreach services to residents, connecting them to a wide vari- ety of community resources. In addition to the summer mobile pantries, Feeding Amer- ica Eastern Wisconsin, in col-


CONNECTING WITH FAMILIES, STUDENTS Safe & Sound Promotes Safety through Education, Well-Being

In the Amani neighborhood, Safe & Sound’s team worked with neighborhood schools, enact- ing many initiatives throughout them. Safe & Sound works with Auer Avenue Community School in many initiatives such as help- ing to facilitate Data Chats. The purpose of the Data Chats is centered on improving stu- dent standardized test scores (specifically targeting reading) and students’ overall reading, writing and reading comprehen- sion skills. Safe & Sound is work- ing with the students to explain to them how they are falling behind in their test scores, but not significantly, therefore there is room to grow and reach their targeted score areas. Safe & Sound is working with students in third, fourth and fifth grades to identify their academ- ic strengths and weaknesses in an effort to figure out solu- tions as to how to improve their reading test scores. Snacks are provided to the students as a means of welcoming them into the space and allowing for them to be focused on the work at hand. The students are provided a variety of books aimed at their grade levels to push them to read often but also to work on

reading comprehension skills. The students are encouraged to ask questions when they don’t understand something. Safe & Sound worked with the students on setting plausible goals for academic improve- ment as well as sorted through multiple pathways to achieving their reading based goals. The students were asked about their interests related to read- ing and encouraged to read things that interest them. Safe & Sound was diligent in allow- ing for the students an under- standing of comprehension and how to better take in what is being read, and encouraged students to speak out and ask

for help if they are struggling to read and comprehend.

Various studies show correla- tions to youth standardized test scores and violent behavior trends later in life. Therefore, Safe & Sound staff helping the students to improve their test scores decreases the likelihood that they will be perpetrators or victims of violence in their adult lives, pushing forward the mis- sion of Safe & Sound, that is safe and empowered neighborhoods.


Safe & Sound collaborated with partners and participated in the Dominican Center’s Thanksgiv- ing Grocery Giveaway in Amani. The giveaway included two full bags of groceries to prepare for a Thanksgiving meal as well as freshly grown vegetables (greens grown in the Domini- can Center’s hydroponics lab) and a grocery store gift card. There were various organiza- tions in attendance including the Milwaukee Police Department - District 5 officers, the Silver Ladies of AARP, staff from the Milwaukee Rep, a representative from the city of Milwaukee Wa- terworks program. There were various community members who pitched in to help with a plethora of tasks from transport- ing various food items and bags throughout the stations set up, manning said stations, directing traffic of community members who were there to pick up the grocery bags and gift cards and various duties as assigned. Safe & Sound pitched in to help in whatever capacity was nec- essary to ensure the success of the event, to ensure that each member of the Amani neighborhood who showed up was able to receive the grocery bags and gift cards. There were lots of folks from the Amani community who showed up

and expressed their gratitude for the supplies they received.

The grocery giveaway was a festive and fun event, filled with servicing the community with joy and cheer in the spirit of the holidays with a commit- ment to ensuring the safety of the neighborhood. In providing food items and gift cards, this helps alleviate the probability that someone might go with- out during the holiday season or even find alternate routes to ensure that they have what they need. This event aligns with Safe & Sound’s mission, to unite resi- dents, youth, law enforcement and community resources to build safe and empowered neighborhoods.

Safe & Sound also worked in Amani with the Dominican Center to table at their Trunk- or-Treat Block Party event as well as conducting various Trunk-or-Treat events through- out Amani schools, churches and businesses. We have also been helping to curate the Community Garden at N. 19th Street in Amani. Safe & Sound partnered with COA Goldin Center to help facilitate their Santa’s Work- shop holiday Gift Giveaway in Amani.


BRINGING ART TO AMANI The Milwaukee Rep Reaches Amani Resident of All Ages

The Milwaukee Rep organized the entertainment and music for the Safe Summer Kickoff and the Beyond the Bookbag events. We brought a DJ artist to the community during the two events - in partnership with COA Youth and Family Center. During Safe Summer Kickoff, we had a guest performer a student from our Next Narrative Monologue Competition who performed her monologue for the com- munity. Our cast of the world premiere production of PAREN- TAL ADVISORY performed a selection from the production at Beyond the Bookbag. We continued to bring resi- dents to productions at Mil- waukee Rep through continu- ing our Neighborhood Nights where Amani residents have dinner together prior to the show. During this past year they saw our world premiere of PARENTAL ADVISORY, took part in a post-show panel, and snapped a photo with one of our cast members. In spring of 2023, they also attended Au- gust Wilson’s SEVEN GUITARS. Amani residents are also ac- tive participants in our Dinner Dialogue series where a group of community members come

together to discuss themes discussed in our shows while sharing a meal with

through our School Subscription program, where NOVA students experience four Mil- waukee Rep produc- tions each season and do a pre and post- show workshop with

each other! Resi- dents have joined us at Sam’s Jazz Cafe, Cafe Lulu Bar and Grill, Maharaja, and more. The Rep also conducted free workshops at COA on Sat- urdays throughout the year with our Drama FUNdamental Saturday Youth Program series.

actors from the production. Additionally, the students par- ticipate in a Rep Immersion Day where in addition to the stu- dent matinee they experience a series of demonstrations led by our production staff on how we bring a script to life onstage, sharing the multitude of career options available in theater.

NOVA High School continues to be a school partner of ours


HYDROPONICS EDUCATION & ENTREPRENEURSHIP FullCircle26, Inc. Growing Food for Sustainability in Amani

FullCircle26, Inc. brought our Hydroponics Program with America Works beginner lab to the Dominican Center Hydroponic Training Lab al- lowing students to work in a real-world environment while growing food for sustainability. We also added additional hy- droponics units to the Domin- ican Center Lab, introducing all three types of hydroponics systems for growing: NFT, DFT and Aeroponics systems. Plans are underway to work with the Dominican Center lab and expand even more in 2024, including adding aquaponics, microgreens, and additional systems. FullCircle26, Inc. participated in Amani’s Thanksgiving food distri- bution through Dominican Cen- ter. The lab grew over 200 heads of cabbage and 200 bunches of colored greens for the Amani Neighborhood. More than 100 families enjoyed these greens from the hydroponics lab. We also partnered with Mil- waukee Ground Works to add two easily accessible raised garden beds to give Amani and the Dominican Center access to soil gardens.


IMPROVING OUR ENVIRONMENT Clean Wisconsin Celebrates Green Infrastructure in Amani

For the past ten years, Clean Wisconsin has been working closely with the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and community partners in Mil- waukee’s 30th Street Corridor to manage water where it falls. The largest growing source of water pollution in the U.S. is stormwater runoff: rainwater that washes across landscapes often collecting and carrying trash, bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, animal waste and other pollutants to our local wa- terways. Green infrastructure practices reduce stormwater runoff by mimicking nature and capturing rainwater so it can be reused, temporarily retained, or allowed to infiltrate into the soil. These practices provide other environmental, social and eco- nomic benefits, including better air quality and cooling of the urban heat island effect thanks to more trees and vegetation, increased pollinator habitat, community engagement and job opportunities installing and maintaining green infrastruc- ture. In September, Clean Wiscon- sin’s green infrastructure man- ager and his team planted four fruit trees at the Dominican

Center with help from Mr. Wes and other Dominican Cen- ter staff. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with the Dominican Center and will continue to collaborate in 2024 with the center. Not only will these tress help to man- age stormwater, but they will also help to improve air qual- ity and enhance green space, while providing a source of food in the future. In October 2023, Clean Wis- consin celebrated its ten-year milestone of working with

residents in Milwaukee’s 30th Street Corridor on improving their climate resiliency through stormwater management. We thank the Dominican Cen- ter for Women for graciously allowing us to host this free, family-friendly event at their site. Clean Wisconsin is excited to continue to partner with the Dominican Center and engage with Amani residents in 2024.


LEGAL SERVICE CLOSE TO HOME Legal Aid Society Empowers Residents About Legal Rights

The Legal Aid Society of Mil- waukee remained actively engaged in the Amani Neigh- borhood through 2023 on matters impacting education and family well-being. The Legal Aid Society con- tinued to provide education and resources on our website and Facebook pages at www. (Our web- site provides an online form to determine eligibility for legal services, as does our phone in- take hotline at (414) 727-5300.) Ultimately in 2023, Legal Aid

provided representation to 302 residents in the 53206 zip code on a host of legal matters involving estate planning, con- sumer and business issues, and pardon application completion and submission, among others. Such advocacy educates and empowers residents about their legal rights, strengthening the neighborhood and community in the process. In 2023, Legal Aid Attorney Anthony Garcia began “office hours” at the Dominican Cen- ter on the 2nd and 4th Tues-

days of the month from 9:30 to noon. Amani residents can now conveniently access legal services close to home . The Legal Aid Society of Milwau- kee and Amani residents con- tinue to work together with the Dominican Center to advance education and family well-being for this incredible neighborhood.

SUPPORTING FAMILIES, YOUTH, PARKS Amani United Ensures Neighbors’ Needs Holistically Met

Amani United worked with neighbors and partners to en- sure the needs of Amani fami- lies were being holistically met. We participated in five Mobile Food Pantries serving 575 fam- ilies. We also helped educate and train youth in hydroponics, an effort to curb food insecurity in the future. We also ensured the well-being of residents through beautification efforts. We participated in the revitaliza- tion of the former Cawker Park,

including adding a mural and re- designing the basketball courts. In addition, we participated in eight cleanups and Amani’s An- nual Bloom & Groom plant sale. In 2023, Amani United also supported the Friends of Moody Park and the Amani Youth Council. We volunteered with the Amani Youth Council during their meetings and their events including Fun Fridays, Sound Baths, Hoops Tournament, En- trepreneur Showcase, and their

annual Youth March Against Violence. We further served the community by partnering with AYC for their winter apparel drive and participating in the Friends of Moody Park blanket drive, distributing items during the holiday season.


MEETING FAMILIES’ NEEDS DC Provides Critical Resources & Community Enrichment

The Dominican Center served Amani families’ critical needs as a starting point for well-be- ing in the neighborhood. Three Mobile Food Pantries, in partnership with Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin served 375 people over three summer events. We distrib- uted 8,500 pounds of food. These events were also at- tended by organizations like Milwaukee Diaper Mission, that gave away diapers and period supplies to Amani families.

DC also organized a Thanksgiv- ing grocery giveaway in part- nership with AARP Wisconsin and Amani United. Other neighborhood organizations and many Amani residents par- ticipated in every point in the giveaway, including shopping, packing and giving away gro- ceries, and growing, harvest- ing and packaging greens and cabbage in our Hydroponics Lab to distribute to residents. We also held a Christmas ham giveaway sponsored by North- western Mutual, who donated

100 complete Christmas meal boxes. Our holiday grocery giveaways served nearly 200 Amani families. DC also served seniors, deliv- ering 364 food boxes weekly to homebound seniors in the Amani neighborhood.


We also distributed more than 50 warming kits and soup kits to Amani families during our Winter giveaway. We participat- ed in the Amani Youth Coun- cil’s Winter Apparel Drive and Moody Park’s blanket drive. DC knows that a family’s well-being is directly affected by their environment. In 2023, DC took steps to improve the neighborhood environment with gardening. DC’s Hydro- ponics Lab, which is capable of growing 40,000 organic plants a year, was busy producing produce for community give- aways, for the annual Bloom & Groom plant sale, and for DC’s annual fundraising event, Green & Growing. The lab also serves as a classroom for our partner FullCircle26, Inc., as well as Am- ani residents and youth. Sixteen Amani youth participat- ed in the inaugural Hydroponics class at DC, hosted by Mitchelle Lyle, and Amani resident and entrepreneur. The classes help promote and provide immedi- ate access to fresh produce in food insecure zones. Students learned agricultural education, black agricultural history, the components and functionality of hydroponics and botany.

infrastructure in their outdoor space with decorative Amani planters and raised garden beds installed by Ground Works Mil- waukee, and fruit trees installed by Clean Wisconsin. When mature, the two service berry and two apple trees will provide shade and fruit to residents and staff at the Center. Clean Wisconsin also installed a rain barrel at DC. DC continued referrals to our partner MATC for GED and HSED classes. We also par- ticipated in the City’s Earn & Learn program, hosting Amani youth and teaching them about community engagement and activism during their summer employment.

partnership with the Milwaukee Rep. Residents were able to see four theatre shows, as well as participate in the Rep’s Dinner Dialogue series and Intergen- erational dialogue sessions following the plays Parental Advisory and Enough. Lastly, DC was awarded the Data Dream from partner Data You Can Use. The project allowed the organizations to work together to create a Logic Model and collect relevant data that will influence the work we do to enhance well-being in Amani.

DC provided additional educa- tion and enrichment through a

In addition, DC continued to improve their environmental

WHAT AMANI WILL DO: Improve housing conditions through the model block strategy in the Amani Neighborhood. INDICATOR OF SUCCESS: • Improve conditions on the Model Block and Beta Block. • Increased reported resident participation in Amani Beautification Efforts by 100%. Housing & Economic Development


Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee is helping to build capacity of the lead neighborhood organization, residents, and those working to support and advance housing and economic development goals in the Amani Neighborhood.


LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN AMANI LAS Serves 302 from Amani & 53206, Advances Goals

The Legal Aid Society remained actively engaged in the Amani neighborhood in 2023. Ulti- mately, Legal Aid staff pro- vided representation to 302 residents in the 53206 zip code on matters involving housing security, benefits, estate plan- ning, and consumer matters, as well as pardon applications, among others. In 2023, Legal Aid began a col- laboration with the Milwaukee Community Land Trust or MCLT to provide home ownership options for Amani (and other residents around the city) in year 2023. Legal Aid staff pro- vided pre-closing counseling and accompanied homebuyers to closings to answer questions and ensured an informed trans- action for this innovative path to home ownership. Legal Aid continued its role as a partner in the Amani Model and Beta Block project in 2023, providing legal representation on primar- ily housing issues central to a healthy and thriving neighbor- hood. In the summer of 2023, Legal Aid also participated in the Beta Block Summer Block Party and cleanup.

a non-profit theatre group, a cleaning business, a charcuterie board business, an entertain- ment business, and a youth support services business. In these ways, Legal Aid is helping to build capacity of the lead neighborhood orga- nization, residents, and those working to support and ad- vance housing and economic development goals in the Amani Neighborhood.

von Briesen & Roper law firm continued into 2023, provid- ing cutting edge seminars for entrepreneurs to successfully launch new businesses and existing business owners to continue them. That partner- ship advanced Amani resi- dents’ economic goals in 2023 for businesses that included

Legal Aid’s partnership with the


HOME IS THE HEART OF AMANI DC & AU Revitalize Homes and Invest in Amani Residents

The Amani Neighborhood Re- vitalization Plan and the work of the Dominican Center and Amani United informed 2023 community organizing and improvement activities. For example, DC’s organizer recruited and helped train resi- dent leaders and Amani youth to survey housing conditions using Reclaiming Our Neigh- borhood (RON) surveys. Resi- dents canvassed 3,584 parcels surveyed on all 130 blocks in the Amani neighborhood to

complete surveys about the exterior conditions of Amani housing stock. For broader neighborhood awareness, the survey team also informed res- idents, both renters and own- ers, about the survey, Amani United, and Amani revitaliza- tion efforts. Survey results will help drive housing improve- ment efforts in the neighbor- hood, including Amani’s Block by Block program.

to do the job. This program, along with other resident-led efforts, allowed DC to dis- tribute $13,000 in stipends to Amani residents for volunteer work. This allows residents to be a part of their own neigh- borhood revitalization and get paid to do the work.

To complete these surveys, DC enlisted Amani residents


In addition, DC had some flexible funding and was able to assist 4 residents in improving their quality of life with major housing improvements/repairs. Two residents were able to get full roof replacements, one res- ident was able to get full siding torn off and replaced, and an- other resident was able to get a front and back porch repaired. Amani residents continue to be served by our Block by Block program, including Della Veasy, who lives on one of the Beta Blocks. Through this ini- tiative, Ms. Veasy’s home was brought up to code and her windows were replaced, her roof was fixed and her porch, basement and concrete walk- ways were repaired. “I have enjoyed my life here. I love my home because I have good memories here. I worked for years and years and paid off my house after my hus- band passed,” said Ms. Veasy. “At age 74 I can still do some things, but I don’t like to ask my kids for help. Sometimes you think you don’t need any- thing, but you don’t realize you do until you ask for it. It’s won- derful what DC is doing for the community, and I thank God for helping me find them.”

Block initiative and a kick-off on the Beta Blocks in the project, DC and AU held a number of clean-ups and Rock the Block events. In 2023, DC began to hold monthly housing meetings with partner Safe & Sound. A range of topics from renters’ rights to home lending options

are discussed both virtually and in-person at Dominican Center.

DC also partnered with Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee to of- fer a business law seminar. The partner also offers office hours at Dominican Center and helps Amani residents with legal advice on a number of housing issues.

In celebration of the Block by



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