CONNECTING WITH FAMILIES, STUDENTS Safe & Sound Promotes Safety through Education, Well-Being

In the Amani neighborhood, Safe & Sound’s team worked with neighborhood schools, enact- ing many initiatives throughout them. Safe & Sound works with Auer Avenue Community School in many initiatives such as help- ing to facilitate Data Chats. The purpose of the Data Chats is centered on improving stu- dent standardized test scores (specifically targeting reading) and students’ overall reading, writing and reading comprehen- sion skills. Safe & Sound is work- ing with the students to explain to them how they are falling behind in their test scores, but not significantly, therefore there is room to grow and reach their targeted score areas. Safe & Sound is working with students in third, fourth and fifth grades to identify their academ- ic strengths and weaknesses in an effort to figure out solu- tions as to how to improve their reading test scores. Snacks are provided to the students as a means of welcoming them into the space and allowing for them to be focused on the work at hand. The students are provided a variety of books aimed at their grade levels to push them to read often but also to work on

reading comprehension skills. The students are encouraged to ask questions when they don’t understand something. Safe & Sound worked with the students on setting plausible goals for academic improve- ment as well as sorted through multiple pathways to achieving their reading based goals. The students were asked about their interests related to read- ing and encouraged to read things that interest them. Safe & Sound was diligent in allow- ing for the students an under- standing of comprehension and how to better take in what is being read, and encouraged students to speak out and ask

for help if they are struggling to read and comprehend.

Various studies show correla- tions to youth standardized test scores and violent behavior trends later in life. Therefore, Safe & Sound staff helping the students to improve their test scores decreases the likelihood that they will be perpetrators or victims of violence in their adult lives, pushing forward the mis- sion of Safe & Sound, that is safe and empowered neighborhoods.

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