LEGAL SERVICE CLOSE TO HOME Legal Aid Society Empowers Residents About Legal Rights

The Legal Aid Society of Mil- waukee remained actively engaged in the Amani Neigh- borhood through 2023 on matters impacting education and family well-being. The Legal Aid Society con- tinued to provide education and resources on our website and Facebook pages at www. (Our web- site provides an online form to determine eligibility for legal services, as does our phone in- take hotline at (414) 727-5300.) Ultimately in 2023, Legal Aid

provided representation to 302 residents in the 53206 zip code on a host of legal matters involving estate planning, con- sumer and business issues, and pardon application completion and submission, among others. Such advocacy educates and empowers residents about their legal rights, strengthening the neighborhood and community in the process. In 2023, Legal Aid Attorney Anthony Garcia began “office hours” at the Dominican Cen- ter on the 2nd and 4th Tues-

days of the month from 9:30 to noon. Amani residents can now conveniently access legal services close to home . The Legal Aid Society of Milwau- kee and Amani residents con- tinue to work together with the Dominican Center to advance education and family well-being for this incredible neighborhood.

SUPPORTING FAMILIES, YOUTH, PARKS Amani United Ensures Neighbors’ Needs Holistically Met

Amani United worked with neighbors and partners to en- sure the needs of Amani fami- lies were being holistically met. We participated in five Mobile Food Pantries serving 575 fam- ilies. We also helped educate and train youth in hydroponics, an effort to curb food insecurity in the future. We also ensured the well-being of residents through beautification efforts. We participated in the revitaliza- tion of the former Cawker Park,

including adding a mural and re- designing the basketball courts. In addition, we participated in eight cleanups and Amani’s An- nual Bloom & Groom plant sale. In 2023, Amani United also supported the Friends of Moody Park and the Amani Youth Council. We volunteered with the Amani Youth Council during their meetings and their events including Fun Fridays, Sound Baths, Hoops Tournament, En- trepreneur Showcase, and their

annual Youth March Against Violence. We further served the community by partnering with AYC for their winter apparel drive and participating in the Friends of Moody Park blanket drive, distributing items during the holiday season.

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