In addition, DC had some flexible funding and was able to assist 4 residents in improving their quality of life with major housing improvements/repairs. Two residents were able to get full roof replacements, one res- ident was able to get full siding torn off and replaced, and an- other resident was able to get a front and back porch repaired. Amani residents continue to be served by our Block by Block program, including Della Veasy, who lives on one of the Beta Blocks. Through this ini- tiative, Ms. Veasy’s home was brought up to code and her windows were replaced, her roof was fixed and her porch, basement and concrete walk- ways were repaired. “I have enjoyed my life here. I love my home because I have good memories here. I worked for years and years and paid off my house after my hus- band passed,” said Ms. Veasy. “At age 74 I can still do some things, but I don’t like to ask my kids for help. Sometimes you think you don’t need any- thing, but you don’t realize you do until you ask for it. It’s won- derful what DC is doing for the community, and I thank God for helping me find them.”

Block initiative and a kick-off on the Beta Blocks in the project, DC and AU held a number of clean-ups and Rock the Block events. In 2023, DC began to hold monthly housing meetings with partner Safe & Sound. A range of topics from renters’ rights to home lending options

are discussed both virtually and in-person at Dominican Center.

DC also partnered with Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee to of- fer a business law seminar. The partner also offers office hours at Dominican Center and helps Amani residents with legal advice on a number of housing issues.

In celebration of the Block by

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