Scholastic Professional Learning Catalog

Live Webinars All webinars are 60–90 minutes in duration.

During Part I, Conducting Virtual Back to School Nights, we will tackle the challenge of how to organize virtual back to school nights and orientations that engage families and strengthen their capacity to support their children’s learning at home, in virtual or blended classrooms, or in classrooms with social distancing and other COVID-19 protocols. During Part II, Conducting Family Conferences, we will navigate how to prepare for and conduct a virtual family conference that honors the voices of students, families, and teachers. Virtual Back to School Nights and Family Conferences During this two-part series, participants will explore how to help students and families overcome new challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Part I will focus on beginning the conversation while Part II will delve into tipping the scale toward positive outcomes. Strengthening Student and Family Resilience Participants will learn best practices for helping parents access Scholastic digital programs and structuring their home learning environment for maximum achievement. Helping Parents Support Digital Learning at Home Without much warning, many families have found themselves converting the dining room into a classroom, the kitchen into the cafeteria, and the bathroom into a science lab. If Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are any indication, families are a bit frazzled. In this session we’ll explore ideas and resources for helping families create a home learning environment that doesn’t upend the structure of their daily lives. Supporting Parents with Setting Up Home Learning Environments Family engagement is going high tech! Though nothing can replace the benefits of meeting a family in person, conducting a virtual home visit can be a game-changer for building strong home-school partnerships and engaging families more deeply in their children’s learning. During this session we’ll focus on preparing for a virtual visit, explore tips and strategies for facilitating the visit, and develop a plan for after the visit. Conducting a Virtual Home Visit

Grades PreK–12 Item #: 715558 This is a two-part

webinar series. Sessions can be purchased individually or as a package.

Grades PreK–12 Item #: 715569 This is a two-part

webinar series. Sessions can be purchased individually or as a package.

Grades PreK–6 Item #: 715559

Grades PreK–12 Item #: 710625

Grades PreK–12 Item #: 709809

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