Scholastic Professional Learning Catalog

School Climate Series

Improving Adult-Student Relationships

This series consists of three full-day interactive sessions that explore the link between student engagement and student achievement. These sessions analyze student and school climate data to build a yearlong action plan that will increase students’ performance and their sense of well-being. Session 1: Reframing Adult-Student Relationships This session provides foundational training to underscore the link between students’ connections with the school staff in their schools and their engagement with the learning process. Learning outcomes: • Understand the link between student engagement and student achievement • Gather and analyze data on school climate Session 2: Understanding How Students Perceive the Actions of Adults This session helps teams unpack school climate data, prioritize climate issues, and understand the story behind the data.

Recommended for: Central office administrators, PreK–12 school- level leaders, teacher leaders, and district leaders Time: Three full days scheduled over several months Item #: 660275 Participants: Up to 30

Learning outcomes: • Understand how students perceive the actions of adults

• Share information about school climate with the entire school community Session 3: Building Positive Relationships with All Students This session will help you design, implement, and evaluate a yearlong plan that improves the relationships between students and school staff.

Learning outcomes: • Develop a plan to improve adult-student relationships • Provide an ongoing evaluation of school climate efforts

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